11-03-2025Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) Notification :
06-03-2025Expression of Interest for printing Self Learning Materials (SLM):
03-03-2025Admission to Distance mode (ODL) Programme for the Academic Year 2024-2025”:
25-02-2025Admission Notification of Santali Language:
25-02-2025Admission Notification for Contemporary Art :
13-02-2025Walk-In-lnterview for the post of Project Fellow (Subject-PMIR) will be conducted on 18.02.2025 at 12.30 PM instead of at 02.30 PM :
10-02-2025Walk-In-lnterview for the post of Project Fellow (Subject- Business Management):
10-02-2025Walk-In-lnterview for the post of Project Fellow (Subject-PMIR):
04-02-2025Admission Notification Certificate Courses on Santali Language and Contemporary Art (Odissi Dance, Hindustani Classical Vocal, Painting):
03-02-2025Result of FMU Alumni Association election:
29-01-2025Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed Manpower Providing Agencies having valid Labour Contract Registration/ GST Regd. Pan No. etc. to provide the services of different Ministerial, Technical & other Class-IV personnels to the University:
24-01-2025FMU Alumni Association election will be held on 12.02.2025:
18-01-2025Walk-In-Interview for the post of Assistant professor on purely temporary basis:
14-11-2024Ph.D. Course Work Examination-2024 Form Fillup Notice:
08-11-2024Odisha Research Conclave 2024:
30-10-2024Fresh applications are invited for F.M University Research Fellowship 2024:
28-10-2024PGDM Notification:
22-10-2024Revised Walk-in Interview Dates:
21-10-2024Additional Information for WALK IN-INTERVIEW:
27-09-2024UG Conversion Certificate:
25-09-2024Selected & Waiting List of Students for the Spot Admission in (Chemistry,Physics, Mathematics, Bio-Technology, Geology, Lib Science, Geography, Zoology, Env. Science, Micro-Biology, Botany, Education, J & MC, MSW, Odia, English, Urdu, Pol. Scince, Sociology, Economics, Commerce, PMIR):
25-09-2024Selected & Waiting List of Students for the Spot Admission in (M.Com,PMIR,Psychology, Anthropology,History,Sanskrit, Law, Population Studies) :
18-09-2024Induction Programme for the Academic Session 2024-25:
13-09-2024Walk in interview for Project Fellow position in the Computer Science departmental project:
06-09-2024CSBS COURSE FEE:
06-09-2024Fresh Project proposal are invited from Faculties for the year 2024-25 for the scheme "Seed Money Grant for Research & Development, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore:
06-09-2024Fresh Project proposal are invited from Faculties for the year 2024-25 for the scheme "Seed Money Grant for Research & Development, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore:
06-09-2024PGDCA Admission Date Extended:
31-08-2024QUOTATION CALL NOTICE for Nikon Z30 Mirrorless:
30-08-2024Information for Non-Reported Students alloted by OJEE for taking Admission into MBA:
29-08-2024Walk-In Interview is scheduled to be held on 11.09.2024 at 11A.M in P.G. Department of Geology for the post of Project Fellow :
29-08-2024Walk in interview for Project Fellow position in the Biosciences and Biotechnology departmental project:
28-08-2024Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) Notification:
20-08-2024Revised Date of Walk in Interview for DEO at Dept. of Language & Literature Department resheduled to 02.09.2024:
20-08-2024Admission Notice for MBA Allotted Students through OJEE 2024 e-Counselling:
17-08-2024Fresh Project proposal are invited from Faculties for the year 2024-25 for the scheme "Seed Money Grant for Research & Development, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore:
14-08-2024Notification (Eligible Candidates for Registration in Executive Ph.D. Programme):
13-08-2024Admission Notice for MCA Allotted Students through OJEE 2024 e-Counselling:
12-08-2024Hostel Notice:
09-08-2024ADVERTISEMENT For Engagement of Guest Faculties (Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor):
31-07-2024Teacher Registration Notice:
18-07-2024Notice for PhD(Law) Admission :
18-07-2024Admission Notice for 5 Years B.A. LLB(Hons):
16-07-2024Hostel Admission Notice :
06-07-2024Certificate Equivalence Notification of Yogi Vemana University:
03-07-2024Admission Notice 1st Phase Merit List BA LLB (Hons):
02-07-2024Short video/Reel Competition on the occasion of World Population Day:
21-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Dept. of Language & Literature(Odia & English) for the session 2023-24:
21-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Pol.Science/Economics/Socialogy for the session 2023-24:
20-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Mathematics for the session 2023-24:
20-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Bio-Technology for the session 2023-24:
20-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Psychology for the session 2023-24:
20-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Business Management for the session 2023-24:
20-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Computer Science for the session 2023-24:
20-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Physics for the session 2023-24:
20-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in History for the session 2023-24:
19-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Zoology for the session 2023-24:
19-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Botany for the session 2023-24:
19-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Env. Science for the session 2023-24:
19-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Chemistry for the session 2023-24:
19-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Geography for the session 2023-24:
18-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Geology for the session 2023-24:
12-06-2024List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission into Ph.D./ Executive Ph.D. Programme in Education for the session 2023-24:
28-05-2024UG 6th Sem Result:
26-04-2024Notice for Jayarta Mahapatra Kabita Puraskar-2024:
20-04-2024Applications are invited for selection of awardees for Vyasagourab Samman-2024:
19-04-2024ମନୋଜ ନବପ୍ରତିଭା କଥା ପୁରସ୍କାର - 2024:
19-04-2024Notification for Level-ll Test (lnterview) and FMU -RET Result:
03-04-2024Candidates provisionally eligible to appear the Level- II Test (Interview) and are exempted from the Level- I Entrance Test:
02-04-2024Candidates are provisionally eligible for appearing the Fakir Mohan University Research Eligibility Test-2023 (FMU-RET-2023):
19-03-2024Admit Cards of the provisionally eligible Candidates for FMU-RET-2023 has been Published :
16-03-2024Notice regarding various Fees:
15-03-2024The Faculty of Business Studies & Management, Fakir Mohan University is organising an International Management Conclave-2024 on the theme Managing Contemporary Business: An Integrated Approach during 6th -7th April, 2024:
15-03-2024Notification for Candidates who have applied for FMU-RET / PhD for the session 2023-2024:
14-03-2024Webinar on 15-03-2024 (3 PM to 4 PM):
12-03-2024Advertisement for engagement of Guest Faculties (Assistant Professor):
07-03-2024Advertisement for Project Fellow(PF) Position under S&T Dept,. Govt. of Odisha sponsored Research Project :
13-02-2024Admission Notification Certificate Courses on Contemporary Art (Odissi Dance, Hindustani Classical Vocal, Painting) :
13-02-2024Notification for PhD Scholars registered before 2020:
13-02-2024Admission Notification Santali Certificate Course :
03-02-2024National Conference on “Advances in AI Systems":
31-01-2024Programme Name Change Notification:
25-01-2024Notification for Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) :
24-01-2024EBSCO training on 6-02-2024:
19-01-2024Corrigendum [Candidate with M.Phil. Degree from UGC recognized University will also be exempted from written test]:
16-01-2024Exam Reschedule Notification:
10-01-2024The Ethics and Values paper of UG 5th semester (R&B) Exam, 2023 is hereby shifted to 19.01.2024.:
05-01-2024PhD Admission Extension Notice:
05-01-2024Notification for current vacancy position of Ph.D. Scholars:
29-12-2023Notification for Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed:
29-12-2023NOTIFICATION (Programme for UG 3rd Semester Exam, 2023):
21-12-2023PhD Admission Notice :
21-12-2023PhD Admission Information Brochure :
08-12-2023Notification :
07-12-2023New HDFC Payment Gateway :
05-12-2023NOTIFICATION (Postponement of UG 5th Sem R&B Exam,2023):
28-11-2023Provisional List of Candidates for taking Admission into MA Sociology :
28-11-2023Provisional List of Candidates for taking Admission into MA Pol Science :
25-11-2023Provisional List of Candidates for taking Admission into MA/MSc Mathematics :
25-11-2023Provisional List of Candidates for taking Admission into MSc Physics:
24-11-2023Provisional List of Candidates for taking Admission into MSc BioTechnology:
03-11-2023Extension of last date of application for admission into PGDCA 2023:
31-10-2023Annexure of Application for opening ODL under DDCE FM University:
31-10-2023Notice Regarding a webinar organized by OSHEC in collaboration with Elsevier:
31-10-2023Fakir Mohan University ODL Application Form:
23-10-2023National Seminar on Recent Advances in Physics and Ballistics (RAPAB-2024) and 40th Convention of Orissa Physical Society:
20-10-2023Equivalency of Three Year Integrated B.Ed.-M.Ed. Programme with M.A. in Education Programme of F.M. University for the session 2020-21 Admission Batch:
18-10-2023Advertisement for appointment of Adjunct Professor :
18-10-2023Candidates selected for FMU-Research Fellowship 2023-24:
18-10-2023Advertisement for engagement of Guest Faculty/Assistant Professor in different P.G. Departments on temporarily basis:
18-10-2023Students provisionally selected for admission into PG Gents' / Ladies' Hostels.:
11-10-2023Advertisement for the Post of Project Assistant:
10-10-2023Admission Notification-PG Diploma in Paper Technology:
09-10-2023Merit List of Different PG Programmes:
27-09-2023Applications are invited for admission into PGDCA:
18-09-2023Hostel Admission Notice :
18-09-2023Admission Notice for P.G. Diploma in Communication for Social & Behaviour Change:
14-09-2023Spot Admission Notice for MCA, MBA-2023-24 for the OJEE rank holders :
04-09-2023UG 1st Sem Result Declared Click to View Result:
01-09-2023Online Reporting for MBA(2023-24 Batch):
31-08-2023Notice for Pre-PhD Course Work Examination-2023:
31-08-2023Online Reporting for MCA(2023-24 Batch):
29-08-2023Advertisement for appointment of Adjunct Professor:
28-08-2023Candidates selected to get the F.M University Research Fellowship for the Year 2023:
25-08-2023Fakir Mohan University-Research Fellowship:
16-08-2023Link for CBCS Preferences:
14-08-2023State Level Workshop on Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants for Rural People and Women in Odisha:
14-08-2023Meeting of the Purchase Committee Meeting on 14.08.23 3 PM -reg:
11-08-2023NOTICE (Regarding submission of the vacancy position of Ph. D. scholars as on 01.08.2023):
10-08-2023College Development Council Information:
10-08-2023Provisional Merit & Waiting List Against Vacant Seat Of Int. B.Ed-M.Ed:
03-08-2023Provisional Merit & Waiting List of Candidates for taking Admission into Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed:
19-07-2023Selection and Rejection List of Integrated MED Entrance-2023:
18-07-2023Advertisement for appointment of Adjunct Professor:
15-07-2023Notification (Academic Calendar 2023-24):
13-07-2023Provisional Merit list of 5 years integrated BA LLB Admission session 2023-24:
13-07-2023Important Dates and Information for admission in to Integrated M.Ed:
13-07-2023Applications are invited for the engagement of one project Assistant on purely temporary basis:
03-07-2023Last Date for Applying into 3 Year Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed has been extended upto 15.07.2023 :
01-07-2023Registration link for 3rd Alumni Meet 2023:
30-06-2023Call for Ideas in “Hackathon 3.0” from Women-owned MSMEs/Women Students/Other Women Innovators (through HI: FMU-TBI, F.M. University, Deadline of submission: 11th July 2023):
21-06-2023Notice for ମନୋଜ ନବପ୍ରତିଭା କଥା ପୁରସ୍କାର -2023:
07-06-2023PHYSICS SCHOLARS SYMPOSIUM PSS-2023 For Young Students/ Researchers 3rd- 4th July 2023:
07-06-2023Applications are invited for F.M University Research Fellowship 2022-23 from the PhD research scholars:
05-06-2023Advertisement for engagement of Temporary Teachers for various certificate courses of Contemporary Art & certificate course in Santali Language:
26-05-2023Santali Certificate Course Notification:
25-05-2023Applications are invited for two research staff for ICSSR Major Research Project at PG Department of History & Archaeology:
24-05-2023Advertisement for Research Associate & Field Investigator:
22-05-2023Admission Notice 2023-2024 for 3 Year Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed:
22-05-2023Admission Notice for the session 2023-2024 of 5 year Integrated B.A.-L.L.B:
20-05-2023Steps to open ABC account:
12-05-2023Auction Sale Notice:
10-05-2023Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) Notification:
08-05-2023Applications are invited for selection of awardees for Vyasagourab Samman-2023:
03-05-2023Link for OTG Monitoring:
03-05-2023Link for Examination Management System:
01-05-2023Admission Notice 2023-24:
29-04-202318th Academic Council Meeting Decision:
21-04-2023Certificate Course on Marine Bio-resources and Marine Management is shortly opening in online mode:
21-04-2023DDCE-Filling up Forms for pending UG & PG (Back) Distance Mode Exam-2023 (2019 Admission Batch):
20-04-2023Course Fees for the Session 2023-24:
19-04-2023Advertisement for engagement of Adjunct/Visiting/Emeritus/Practice Professors:
17-04-2023Advertisement for engagement of Guest Faculty/Assistant Professor in different P.G. Departments on temporarily basis:
16-04-2023Advertisement for the post of Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Technology Businness Incubator-Fakir Mohan University:
15-04-2023Advertisement for Chief Operating Officer (COO) Position in FMU-TBI, F.M. University, Balasore, Odisha, India:
10-04-2023PhD Open Viva-voce Notification:
10-04-2023Advertisement for the Post of Research Associate (01), Research Assistant (01) and Office Assistant (01):
03-04-2023Advertisement for the post of Project Associate :
30-03-2023The last date of abstract submission for National Conference organized by PG Dept of Business Management has been extended to 09/04/23:
27-03-2023Academic Bank of Credits Video Part-4:
27-03-2023Academic Bank of Credits Video Part-3:
27-03-2023Academic Bank of Credits Video Part-2:
27-03-2023Academic Bank of Credits Video Part-1:
10-03-2023lssue of Ph.D. registration number to students admitted into Ph.D. Course Work for the session 2022- 23:
02-03-2023List of Eligible Candidates for PhD Registration:
02-03-2023Addition of Approved Guide in Commerce :
02-03-2023List of Eligible Candidates for PhD Coursework :
28-02-2023NOTIFICATION (1st Semester LLM (R&B) Exam-22 1st sitting):
25-02-2023Inviting Applications for Government of Odisha Sponsored UPSC Civil Services Coaching Scheme for the Session 2023-24:
24-02-20231st Semester BA LLB (R&B) Exam-2022:
24-02-2023NOTIFICATION(PROGRAMME FOR BSC Nursing 1st Year Exam,2021):
20-02-2023Approved Guide list Notification:
20-02-2023List of candidates eligible for Ph.D. Registration:
16-02-2023Notification for enrollment to the Ph.D. Course work for the session 2022 -23 of the University.:
15-02-20234th semester LLM Programme:
14-02-20231st Sem LLM Programme:
14-02-2023SRC Notification:
31-01-2023NOTIFICATION (1st & 3rd Sem LLM (R&B) Exam,2022):
31-01-2023Notification (3rd Sem BCA Exam,2022):
27-01-2023Hostel Admission Notice:
24-01-2023Subject Research Committee meeting Notification:
20-01-2023NOTIFICATION (Equivalency):
20-01-2023NOTIFICATION (Programme for 6th Sem T&HM Exam,2021):
18-01-2023NOTIFICATION (7th Sem BALLB EXAM,2022):
17-01-2023NOTIFICATION (1st Semester B.B.A. (R&B) Exam-2022):
17-01-2023NOTIFICATION (1st Semester BCA (R&B) Exam-2022):
17-01-2023NOTIFICATION (BALLB 1st Sem (R&B) Exam,2022):
17-01-2023NOTIFICATION (1st & 3rd Sem LLM Exam,2022):
17-01-2023NOTIFICATION (Revise programme for UG 5th Sem (R&B) Exam,2022):
14-01-202311th Convocation scheduled to be held on 21st January, 2023:
05-01-2023Notice for PhD candidates who have been awarded their Ph.D. Degree in the year 2021 (i.e. 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021):
03-01-2023Notification of Examination Programme of UG 5th Sem (Reg & 1st Back) Exam 2022:
30-12-2022Advertisement for appointment of Visiting/Emeritus/Practice Professors:
30-12-2022Academic Council of Fakir Mohan University, Balasore is hereby reconstituted:
28-12-2022Fakir Mohan University, Balasore blacklisted Jena Electricals, Patrapara Chhak, In front of DRDO Colony, Balasore-756003, Odisha:
27-12-2022Affiliation Fee Structure:
20-12-2022RTI Proactive Disclosure:
17-12-2022International Conference on “Emerging Technology for Environmental Sustainability" (ETES - 2023) during 24-25 February, 2023 organized by PG Dept. of Environmental Science, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore:
16-12-2022Notice for CAS:
14-12-2022Hostel Admission Notice :
09-12-2022Fresh Project proposal are invited from Regular Faculty for the year 2022-23 for the scheme "Seed Money Grant for Research & Development, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore:
07-12-2022Hostel Admission Notice :
30-11-2022PhD SRC Notification -reg:
30-11-2022IQAC, F.M.University is going to organize a one-day workshop on 02.12.2022:
29-11-2022Provisional Merit List for MBA Spot Admission:
25-11-2022Admission Notice for MBA:
25-11-2022Updated PhD SRC Notification Dated 11th, 17th & 25th November 2022:
24-11-2022Notice for Hostel Admission:
22-11-2022Advertisement for Project Fellow Position in S&T funded project:
14-11-2022Examination Schedule of 2nd year B.A. (back) Exam / 1st / 2nd year B.Com. (back) Exam / 4th semester M.A. Odia (back) Exam 2022 / 2nd semester M.A. Education (back) Examination 2022 under Distance Mode:
12-11-2022WORKSHOP cum Awareness Programme on Cybercrime & Cybersecurity:
12-11-2022Students provisionally selected for admission into PG Hostels:
12-11-2022Revised Admission Schedule for non reported candidates (MBA OJEE 2022) in Department of Business Management:
11-11-2022Students provisionally selected for admission into PG Hostels:
11-11-2022Revised Admission Schedule of MCA Programme, Dept. of Computer Science:
05-11-2022Candidates Provisionally selected for enrollment to the Executive Ph.D. Course work for the session 2022-23:
05-11-2022List of Students Provisionally Selected/Waitlisted in M.Sc. Geology:
05-11-2022Hostel Admission Notice :
03-11-2022Notice for admission in few vacant seats in the newly opened Post Graduate Programmes:
01-11-2022Course Fees for Session 2022-23:
01-11-2022Link for Registering Grievance Online:
01-11-2022List of Eligible Candidates for PhD Registration on Dated 01.11.22:
01-11-2022Additional Approved Guide and Co-Guide List:
01-11-2022Hostel Admission List for 2022:
01-11-2022Admission Notice 2022-23:
27-10-2022Notice for reporting of the OJEE-2022 MBA Candidates for the Academic Session 2022-23:
21-10-2022Revised Programme for UG 2nd Semester (Reg & Back) Examination 2022:
19-10-2022Admission into MCA Programme in Fakir Mohan University, Balasore:
17-10-2022Collection of Course Fees from First semester PG/UG students admitted during the Academic Session 2022_23:
12-10-2022Programme for UG 2nd Semester (Reg & Back) Examination 2022:
12-10-2022Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for temporary position of a Research Associate under project mode :
06-10-20222nd Research Scholars’ Conclave 2022:
04-10-2022Hostel Rules and Course wise seat Quota:
29-09-2022Walk in Interview for the Post of Asst. Professor on Temporary Basis:
27-09-2022Publication of FMU-RET 2022 Result:
20-09-2022Advertisement for the Post of Project Assistant under OURIIP in the Department of Geography:
19-09-2022Advertisement for the Post of Project Assistant under OURIIP in Dept of Environmental Science:
16-09-20222nd Phase merit list and spot admission of 5 Year BA LLB (HONS) 2022:
16-09-2022Information for Students taking Admission in various PG Subjects through CPET-2022:
13-09-2022Provisional Second Merit List of Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed for the session 2022-23:
09-09-2022Provisional Final Result of Ranjit Kumar Sing bearing roll no 113B19006 of Swarnachuda College, Mitrapur is hereby Cancelled :
09-09-2022List of candidates eligible for appearing the Entrance Test, (FMU-RET-2022):
08-09-2022Dateline for the Post of Project Assistant(Geology) extended:
07-09-2022Programme notification for 4th Sem (Reg) Exam 2020 of T&HM (under BVoc):
07-09-2022Filling up of forms fro even Sem (R&B) Exam 2022 of 8th/6th/4th & 2nd Sem BALLB/2nd Sem LLM/MPE.d/BPE.d/MFC/PMIR and 4th/2nd Sem BBA/BCA/BSW/LLB.:
06-09-2022CBCS list for the session 2021-22:
03-09-2022Provisional Merit List of Integrated B.Ed.-M.Ed. admission 2022-23:
03-09-2022Notification for FMU Research Eligibility Test 2022:
02-09-2022Sealed quotations are invited from the intending buyers, authorised e-waste collection agencies/ dismantlers centres/ firms/ dealers registered with CPCB/ OSPCB for sale of e-waste of Fakir Mohan University:
30-08-20221ST PHASE MERIT LIST OF BA-LLB 2022:
30-08-2022Advertisement for the Post of Project Assistant(Geology) in OSHEC, Govt. of Odisha Sponsored project:
25-08-2022NOTIFICATION: Candidates shortlisted for Executive Ph.D. Programmne 2022:
25-08-2022Extension of Last date of Application for 5 yr Integrated B.A., LL.B:
24-08-2022PhD SRC Partial Modification:
23-08-2022Revised Advertisement for Project Assistant (Economics/Pop. Studies):
16-08-2022CBCS choice filling form link:
15-08-2022Advertisement for Project Assistant (Sociology/Anthropology):
13-08-2022India's 75 Years of Demographic Trends on the occasion of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav:
12-08-2022Advertisement for Project Assistant (Political Science):
12-08-2022Advertisement for Project Assistant (Economics):
08-08-2022Programme for 1st and 3rd Sem. BBA Exam,2021:
08-08-2022Programme for BCA 3rd Sem. and 1st Sem. Exam,2021:
08-08-2022Programme for 1st Sem. PMIR and MFC Exam,2021:
08-08-2022Programme for 3rd and 1st Sem. BSW Exam,2021:
08-08-2022Programme for 1st,3rd and 5th Sem. 5 Year Int. BA LLB Exam,2021:
06-08-2022Notification [Meeting of the Subject Research Committee (SRC) of diferent subjects ]:
04-08-2022Advertisement for the Posts of "Research Assistant":
29-07-2022“The Nomira” Geology department annual magazine.:
29-07-2022Department of Geology, Fakir Mohan University at a Glance (2021-22):
29-07-2022Fakir Mohan University in Media:
29-07-2022Geology Department News Letter “The Amethyst” Vol-III:
26-07-2022Sealed quotations are invited for installation/ digging a borewell:
25-07-2022Prospectus for the session 2022-23:
19-07-2022Form Fill up Notification of 3rd Sem. BBA,BCA and BSW exam,2021:
15-07-2022Extension of Last date of Application for Integrated BA LLB & Integrated B.Ed.-M.Ed.:
15-07-2022India Ranking : Fakir Mohan University in Rank Band of 151-200 (NIRF 2022 University Category):
15-07-2022Admission Brochure of MA Population Studies 2022-23 Session:
09-07-2022PhD Registration Extension up to Six Months Notification:
06-07-2022UG 6th Sem. Exam which was scheduled to be held on 09/07/2022 is shifted to be held on 16/07/2022:
06-07-2022Provisional results of 1st Sem., 2nd Sem. LLM, and 1st Sem. BA LLB are hereby published:
06-07-2022Invitation for 24th Foundation Day and Pre-Silver Jubilee Year Celebration on 11th July 2022:
05-07-2022Form Fill up notification of PGDCA 2nd Sem. Exam,2022:
28-06-2022Sealed Quotations are invited for printing and supply of 100 copies of a book:
20-06-2022Common PG Entrance Test and Admission 2022 Dateline :
10-06-2022Programme for 6th Sem. (Regular and Back) Exam,2022:
08-06-2022Notification Regarding Partial modification of Equivalence:
08-06-2022Advertisement for ବ୍ୟାସଗୌରବ ସମ୍ମାନ:
04-06-2022Notification for admission into Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed and Integrated LAW Programme:
04-06-2022Fakir Mohan University Research Eligibility Test (FMU-RET) Exam-2022:
03-06-2022Provisional results of BBA 3rd,BCA 3rd,BSW 2nd and 3rd Sem. Exam, are hereby published:
02-06-2022Notification regarding equivalence:
01-06-2022Exam Programme for 1st and 2nd MBBS Supplementary Exam,2022:
01-06-2022Notification Regarding Equivalence:
01-06-2022Exam Programme for 3rd Sem. B.Voc,2019:
31-05-2022Equivalence Certificate Notification:
31-05-2022UG 3rd Sem. Practical Exam,2021 will be conducted from 28.05.2022 to 04.06.2022 instead of 03.06.2022 to 10.06.2022:
27-05-2022Notification regarding equivalence:
25-05-2022Interactive Session on usage of EBSCO to be held on 27-05-2022:
25-05-2022Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) Notice:
24-05-2022CORRIGENDUM : Advertisement for engagement of Guest Faculty in different P.G. Departments :
23-05-2022Provisional results of UG 4th Sem. (Regular) Exam,2021 is hereby published:
13-05-2022Revised Advertisement for engagement of Guest Faculty in different P.G. Departments:
10-05-2022The last date for Admission to Executive Ph.D. Programme 2022 is extended up to 31.05.2022:
05-05-2022Filling up forms of all odd Semesrer (Reg. /Back) Examinations-2021:
05-05-2022Advertisement for engagement of Guest Faculty in different P.G. Departments:
02-05-2022Programme for UG 3rd Sem. Exam(Regular and Back) Exam,2021:
02-05-2022Programme for UG 3rd Sem. Exam(Back) Exam,2021:
27-04-2022Application for Medical Officer Extended to 10.05.22:
26-04-2022CORRIGENDUM for appointment of Adjunct Professor:
25-04-2022Admission Notice for Executive Ph.D. Programme:
21-04-2022Programme for LLM 3rd Sem. Exam2021:
19-04-2022Revised regulation for Ph.D Course work Examination:
18-04-2022Form fill-up notification for the eligible Ph.D. course work students admitted during 202I:
14-04-2022Advertisement for Appointment of Medical Officer:
13-04-2022Programme for BBA and BCA 2nd Sem. Exam,2021:
11-04-2022Advertisement for appointment of Adjunct Professor:
11-04-2022Feedback form for continuing or discontinuing bus services in Fakir Mohan University:
08-04-2022Last date of submission of vacancy position of research scholar is 13.0 4.2022:
08-04-2022Programme for UG 1st Sem. (Regular and Back) Exam, 2021:
05-04-2022Registration Link of alumnis for membership in Fakir Mohan University Alumni Association:
05-04-2022Registration for Certificate Course on “Marine bioresources and Marine management” is extended up to 8th April 2022.:
04-04-2022Corrigendum: Programme for MFC and PMIR:
30-03-2022Programme for BSW 5th Sem. Exam,2021:
30-03-2022Programme for 3rd Sem. MFC and PMIR Exam,2021:
30-03-2022Programme for BBA and BCA 5th Sem. Exam,2021:
30-03-2022Programme for PGDCA and BLIS 2nd Sem. Exam,2021:
29-03-2022Exam Programme for BPED and MPED 3rd Sem:
24-03-2022Programme for 5th Sem. (R and B) LLB Exam,2021:
22-03-2022Revised programme for UG 5th Sem. Regular and Back Exam,2021:
21-03-2022Advertisement for Certificate Course on “Marine bioresources and Marine management”:
09-03-2022Corrigendum for Exam BA LLB 6th Sem.:
04-03-2022Approved Ph.D. Guide List 2022 :
03-03-2022Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Lab equipments/ Chemicals/ Lab. Consumables (Plastic ware and miscellaneous items) for a Science & Technology, Govt. of Odisha Project:
03-03-2022List of Students for taking Admission in PG Hostel:
28-02-2022Ten Day Research Methodology Workshop for Research Scholar:
25-02-2022Fresh Project proposals are invited from Regular Faculty of Fakir Mohan University for the scheme "Seed Money Grant for Research & Development":
23-02-2022Tender No 512 is hereby cancelled:
22-02-2022Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Lab equipment/instruments for BRNS Project:
22-02-2022Sealed Quotations are invited for supply of Lab. Equipment/Instruments and Lab. Consumables for S&T Govt. Odisha funded Project:
21-02-2022List of Eligible Candidates for PhD Registration:
18-02-2022UG 5th Sem. Exam Programme (Back), 2021:
17-02-2022Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Lab equipment/instruments:
17-02-2022Exam Programme for the UG 5th Sem. (Regular) (Arts/Science/Commerce),2021:
17-02-2022"Understanding Research Metrices and Elsevier’s ScienceDirect" A webinar organized by OSHEC in collaboration with Elsevier:
10-02-2022Last date of admission into PG Hostels has been extended from 10.02.2022 (4 PM) to 17.02.2022 (4 PM).:
09-02-2022Corrigendum: Form Fill up notification:
08-02-2022Form Fill up Notification of MFC and PMIR 3rd Sem. (Reg.& Back) Exam,2021:
08-02-2022Form fill up Notification of BBA and BCA 5th Sem. Exam,2021:
08-02-2022Form fill up Notification for LLB 5th Sem and BA LLB 9th Sem.:
08-02-2022Form fill up Notification for BPED and MPED 3rd Sem:
02-02-2022Link for Student and Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2021-22:
02-02-2022GREEN AUDIT REPORT 2021-22:
01-02-2022Information Technology Policy of Fakir Mohan University:
31-01-2022Publication of Final Allotment of 3rd Semester Students (2O2O-21) for CBCS paper (Department Wise):
28-01-2022Advertisement for the Position of Project Fellow (PF) in the S&T Dept., Govt. of Odisha sponsored Project.:
20-01-2022CBCS choice filling Link:
19-01-2022Programme for BA LLB and LLB Exam:
15-01-2022Hostel Admission notice Last Date 10 Feb 2022:
11-01-2022Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed Manpower Providing Agencies to provide the services of different Ministerial, Technical & other Class-IV personnels:
10-01-2022Advertisement for the Post of Project Assistant in an institutional project Rice Crop Cafeteria:
07-01-2022Examinations of BA. LL.B 8th Sem.Exam- 2021 , LL.B 4th Sem Exam- 2021, , BSW 4th Sem Exam- 2021, BBA 4th Sem Exam-2021, & BCA 4th Sem Exam -2021 scheduled to be held with w.e.f 10.01.2022 are hereby postponed:
06-01-2022Tender Call Notice for Supply of Books and Journals:
05-01-2022Postponement of East Zone Inter University Kho-Kho (Women) tournament 2021-22:
30-12-2021Guidelines for Seed Money Project Grants for Young Faculty:
29-12-2021Green Audit Report 2020-21:
22-12-2021Notice regarding Vaccant M Phil Seats:
22-12-2021Some students of 2016 admission batch allowed to appear examination:
19-12-2021Inter University Volleyball Tournament (Women):
18-12-2021Programme for the 2nd Sem. exam. of Tourism and Hospital management Cousre Under B.Voc:
18-12-2021Provisional result of B.LIBS Exam,2021 Under DDCE is here by Published:
18-12-2021Form Fill up Notification of BPED and MPED 2nd Sem.:
18-12-2021Form fill up Notification of BA LLB 2nd,4th,6th. Sem.:
16-12-2021Last Date of Submission of Ph.D. Thesis extended:
16-12-2021Advertisement for the Post of Project Assistant in a DAE- BRNS sponsored project:
10-12-2021National Conference on Intellectual Property Rights :
08-12-2021Faculty Development Programme on Software Tools for Academician:
06-12-2021Provisional Merit List of Candidates Selected for Admission into M.Phil. for the session 2021-22:
06-12-2021Gender Audit Report:
03-12-2021Revised SRC Date for PhD:
02-12-2021Notice for Ph.D. Registration:
01-12-2021Report One day Workshop on “Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights” held on 30th November, 2021:
29-11-2021Report On National Conference on Intellectual Property Rights held on Date: 29-11-2021:
26-11-2021Candidates shortlisted for viva-voce test for M. Phil. Geographyadmission-2021:
26-11-2021Short listed condidote of M.Phil 2021 (Economics/ Political Science/ Sociology) Vivo-voce Test:
26-11-2021Candidates shortlisted for viva-voce test for M. Phil. Chemistry admission-2021:
24-11-2021Candidates shortlisted for viva-voce test for M. Phil. Physics admission-2021:
23-11-2021Concept Note Vision 2040:
22-11-2021Spot Admission Notice of MBA & MCA:
18-11-2021Advertisement for Project Assistant in Department of Geology:
18-11-2021Notice for Students selected to take admission in PG Hosttels:
18-11-2021Notification regarding Issue of Equivalence Certificate:
17-11-2021Addendum-Office Notice No-4333/FMU dt: 10.11.2021 regarding Exam Programme of Ug 4th Sem. Exam,2021:
16-11-2021Form Fill up Notification for BA LLB 8th Sem:
16-11-2021Form Fill up Notification for BBA and BCA 4th Sem. exam,2021:
16-11-2021Form Fill up Notification for MPED and BPED 2nd sem. exam,2021:
16-11-2021Form Fill up notification of LLB 4th Sem. exam,2020:
16-11-2021Form fill up notification for BSW 4th Sem. Exam,2021:
15-11-2021Observation of National Press Day by Dept. of J&MC:
13-11-2021Hostel Admission 2021-2022:
13-11-2021Notification regarding M.Phil. admission for the session 2021-22:
12-11-2021Academic Calendar ,2021-2022:
12-11-2021Eligible applicant for M.Phil. Biotechnology Entrance Test - 2021:
11-11-2021List of eligible candidates for M. Phil(Physics) Entrance Examination-2021:
11-11-2021List of eligible candidates for M. Phil (Chemistry)Entrance Examination-2021 :
11-11-2021Resolution of ICC meeting held on 09.11.2021:
10-11-2021Programme for 4th Sem. (Regular) Exam,2021:
10-11-2021Career Planning in the Changing Time: Issues and Concerns:
09-11-2021Notice for reporting for the OJEE candidates for the Academic Session 2021-22:
08-11-2021Notice for Students selected in MCA under Fakir Mohan University:
03-11-2021Advertisement for the Post of Technical Assistant in a DST-SERB sponsored project (application deadline 15/11/2021):
03-11-2021Re-Schedule of B.Ed 1st Year Exam,2020:
01-11-2021Academic Calendar PG Courses 2020-21 and 2021-22 batch:
29-10-2021Programme for 1st Year Exam,2020 of B.Ed:
28-10-2021Programme for 1st Sem. Exam,2020 of BLIS and BSW:
27-10-2021Programme for 1st Sem. Exam,2020 of PGDCA:
27-10-2021Programme for 1st Sem. Exam,2020 of MFC and PMIR:
27-10-2021Programme for 1st Sem. Exam,2020 of BBA and BCA:
26-10-20213rd Merit List Integrated BED-MED Course Admission Session 2021-22 (dt 30/10/2021):
25-10-2021Programme for 1st Sem. Exam of BA LLB:
25-10-2021Programme for 1st Sem. Exam. of LLM:
22-10-2021ADMISSION OF 3 YEARS INTEGRATED B.ED-M.ED COURSE 2021-22 (2nd Merit List):
22-10-2021Programme for 3rd Sem. (Regular) Exam,2020 of BBA and BCA Course:
22-10-2021Standard Operating Procedure for PG Admission – 2021:
22-10-2021Programme for 3rd Sem. (Regular) Exam,2020 of LLB and BA. LL.B:
22-10-2021Programme for 3rd Sem. Exam,2020 of BSW Course:
22-10-2021Programme for 1st Sem. BPED and MPED Exam,2020:
20-10-2021Research Scholar Conclave 2021 CIRCULAR:
08-10-2021M.Phil Admission 2021-22:
08-10-2021Programme for the UG 1st Sem. Exam (Reg. and Back), 2020:
04-10-2021Merit list and Waiting list for Admission into Integrated BED-MED Course for the Session 2021-22:
02-10-2021FMU Research Conclave - 2021 :
24-09-2021List of Books Purchased from UGC Fund :
24-09-2021List of Books Purchased from PGR/State Govt Fund :
24-09-2021List of Books Donated:
22-09-2021Application for Int-BEd-MEd 2021-22 extended till 28.09.21 and Dateline of Admission Process:
20-09-2021[Corrigendum] Online essay competion will be held for the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti:
20-09-2021Examination Postponed-reg:
17-09-2021Programme for 3rd Sem. BBA and BCA exam,2020:
17-09-2021M.Phil Programme discontinued from the academic session 2021-22:
17-09-2021Programme for 3rd Sem. LLB, 3rd,5th and 7th Sem. BA LLB exam,2020:
15-09-2021Form Fill up Notification of BSW 3rd Sem. (Reg) Exam,2020:
15-09-2021Form Fill up Notification of B.Ed 1st Sem. (Reg/Back) Exam,2020:
09-09-20211st Sem. BA LLB Form fill up notification:
09-09-20211st Sem. LLB and LLM form fill up notification:
09-09-20211st sem. BPED and MPED Firm fill up notification:
09-09-20211st sem PMIR and MFC form fill up notification:
09-09-20211st Sem. PGDCA form fill up notification:
09-09-20211st Sem. BBA and BCA form fill up notification:
09-09-20211st sem. BSW and Lib. SC Form fill up notification:
08-09-2021Advertisement for the Post of Research Associate:
02-09-2021PhD Coursework Classes Notice:
01-09-2021Thesis Submission Notification:
28-08-2021Provisional Result of UG 6th Sem.(Reg and Back) Exam,2021 is hereby Published:
25-08-2021Computers Laboratory Guidelines for Students:
25-08-2021Notification : the post of Professor, P.G. Dept. of Education is hereby declared:
25-08-2021Information, Rules & Regulation of Library:
24-08-2021PG 1st Semester Exam(Regular),2020 will be held in Online Mode:
23-08-2021Programme for the 2nd Year Supplementary MBBS Exam,2021:
21-08-2021Common PG Entrance Test 2021 are to be held on Old campus of Fakir Mohan University, Near Januganj in between 23rd August to 3rd September 2021:
18-08-2021Mentor Mentee Group of Social Science Department:
17-08-2021Addendum: UG 2nd Sem. Back Examination 2021:
16-08-2021Reschedule of UG 4th Sem.(back),2021, UG 2nd Sem. (Back) 2021 and UG 1st Sem. (Back) 2021 Exam:
16-08-2021UG 3rd Sem. (Reg.) 2020 Examination Programme. (209-20 Admn. Batch):
13-08-2021Contribute your rendering of the National Anthem of India at https://rashtragaan.in/:
13-08-2021Walk-in-interview for the post of Assistant Professor on purely temporary basis:
12-08-2021Physical classroom teaching in all the P.G, Departments will be commenced from 16.08.2021:
12-08-2021Notification for Candidates eligible for PhD Registration:
09-08-2021Application form for Ph.D. Coursework 2020-21:
09-08-2021Admission Notice 2021-22:
06-08-2021Graduation 3rd Year Science Exam Papers for Dated 06.08.2021:
06-08-2021Graduation 3rd Year Arts Exam Papers for Dated 06.08.2021:
06-08-2021Notice for Candidates eligible to enroll in PhD Coursework session 2020-21:
06-08-2021Graduation 3rd Year Commerce Exam Papers for Dated 06.08.2021:
03-08-2021Notification for Promotion of the eligible Asst. Prof Stage III to Asso. Prof under CAS:
25-07-2021Application Form Int-BEd-MEd for the session 2021-22:
25-07-2021Admission notification of Int-B.ED-M.Ed for the session 2021-22:
23-07-2021Programme for 6th Sem. BBA/BCA Exam,2021:
23-07-2021Programme for 4th Sem. BPED/MPED Exam,2021:
23-07-2021Programme for 4th Sem. MFC/PMIR exam,2021:
23-07-2021Programme for 2nd Year B.Ed Exam,2021:
23-07-2021Programme for 6th Sem. LLB/LLM Exam,2021:
19-07-2021Provisional result of B.Ed, M.E.Ed.,B.P.Ed, BBA,PMIR,BCA,LLB and Int. Law of different Sem. are hereby published:
16-07-2021Advertisement for the post of JRF in a DAE-BRNS sponsered project:
16-07-2021Course fees for Session 2021-22:
15-07-2021Programme for UG 6th Sem. Exam,2021:
15-07-2021Programme for the Second University(Special back) of Three Year Degree Course in Arts/Sc./Comm:
07-07-2021Programme for Law 5th Sem. (Reg & Back) and 3rd Sem. (back) Exam,2020 of LLB, LLM Course:
07-07-2021Programme for 3rd Sem. (Reg & Back) exam,2020 of MFC, PMIR course:
07-07-2021Programme for 3rd Sem. (Reg & Back) exam,2020 of BPED, MPED Course:
07-07-2021Programme for 5th Sem. (Reg and Back) and 3rd Sem. (Back) exam,2020 of BBA , BCA Course:
01-07-2021DDCE Form Fill UP Notice:
30-06-20212nd Year B.Ed Form Fill up:
30-06-2021MFC and PMIR (Reg/Back)4th sem. Form Fill up:
30-06-20214th Sem. BPED and MPED Form Fill up:
29-06-20216th Sem BBA and BCA Form Fill up:
29-06-20214th Sem LLM and 6th Sem LLB Form Fill up:
28-06-2021The Provisional Result of UG 2nd Semester (Reg ) Examination 2020 of this University is hereby published.:
28-06-2021The Provisional Result of UG 5th Semester (Reg & Back ) Examination 2020 of this University is hereby published.:
11-06-2021Provisional result of the MBBS 2nd professional Exam,2020 is hereby published:
04-06-2021Provisional result of B.Voc 1st Sem. Exam,2018 of this University is hereby published:
04-06-2021Notification regarding redesignation of teachers from Reader to Associate Professor:
04-05-2021Provisional Result of UG 4th Sem. (Reg) Exam,2020 is hereby published.:
28-04-2021Link of Ph.D Viva for Education Candidates 29 Apr 3:00 PM– 5:00 PM:
27-04-2021Advertisement for Appointment of Vice Chancellor of Fakir Mohan University, Balasore:
26-04-2021Link of Ph.D Viva for Odia Candidates Tuesday, 27 Apr 11:00 am – 12:00 pm:
26-04-2021Link of Ph.D Viva for Urdu Candidates Tuesday, 27 Apr 1:00 – 2:00 pm:
26-04-2021Link of Ph.D Viva for English Candidates Tuesday, 27 Apr 12:00 – 1:00 pm:
22-04-2021Google form link for giving your consent to appear before SRC :
22-04-2021Addendum to SRC Notice No-1874:
20-04-2021Notice in connection with SRC Meeting for PhD Registration:
19-04-2021Applications are invited from eligible teachers of this University for consideration of promotion under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS):
16-04-2021Admission in to MCA & MBA will be through Odisha JEE(OJEE) for the session 2021-22:
16-04-2021SRC meeting scheduled to be held at New Campus on 20.04 .2021 and at Old Campus on 22.04.2021 is hereby rescheduled:
15-04-2021Corrigendum to SRC Notice(Mathematics):
12-04-2021Programme for 3rd, and 5th Sem. of BBA,BCA ,MFC and PMIR Exam,2020:
09-04-2021Submission of application of new faculty members for recognition as Ph.D supervisor :
09-04-20214th Hostel Allotment List (Gents):
09-04-20214th Hostel Allotment List (Ladies):
31-03-2021Corrigendum to FMU RET-2020 Notification No. Exam- Ph.D-2A/2021/1512/FMU Dtd.25.03.2021:
31-03-2021Notice for provisional registration to Ph.D. Degree and enrollment for coursework:
30-03-2021Programme for 7th,5th and 3rd Sem. of LL.B ,LL.M and B.A LL.B Exam,2020:
25-03-2021Programme for 3rd Sem. BPED and 3rd Sem. MPED Exam,2020:
25-03-2021Reschedule of P.G. Odd semester Exam,2020 (DDCE):
25-03-2021Provisional Result of FMU-R.E.T. 2020:
24-03-2021Notice for CPET 2020 Candidates seeking Admission in Fakir Mohan University:
23-03-2021Programme for the UG 3rd Sem. Exam(Reg) exam,2020:
23-03-2021Programme for the Second University (Special Back) exam,2020:
18-03-2021Applications are invited for Research staff for ICSSR-IMPRESS project at P.G. Dept. of Social Science, F.M. University, entitled, “Gender, Mining and Vulnerability: A study of Keonjhar District of Odisha”:
17-03-2021Applications are invited for Research staff for ICSSR-IMPRESS project at P.G. Dept. of Social Science, F.M. University, entitled, “Impact on MGNREGS on Livelihood of Tribal Labour in Mayurbhanj District of Odisha”:
15-03-2021Provisional results of 2nd and 4th Sem. of BA LL.B,LL.B,LL.M,BBA,BCA are hereby published:
09-03-2021Programme for Odd Sem. Post Graduate(Reg and Back) Exam,2020 Under Distance & NCP Mode:
04-03-2021Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed firms for supply and installation of Stone Statue and supply of Electrical items and Office Stationery:
24-02-2021Filling up forms of all Odd Sem. Exam,2020(3rd and 5th Sem. BBA and BCA):
24-02-2021Filling up forms of all Odd Sem. Exam,2020 (3rd Sem. BPED and MPED):
24-02-2021Filling up forms of all Odd Sem. Exam,2020(3rd Sem. MFC and PMIR):
24-02-20212nd Hostel Admission List(Gents):
24-02-20212nd Hostel Admission List(Girls):
23-02-2021Filling up forms of all Odd Sem. Exam-2020(B.A. LLB,LL.B,LL.M Course):
20-02-2021Brewing Entrepreneurship at Fakir Mohan University on 23rd February 2021:
18-02-2021Provisional result of 1st Sem. Social work Exam 2019 is hereby published:
18-02-2021Programme for the 2nd Year MBBS Exam,2020:
17-02-2021Programme for the UG 5th Sem. exam (Regular and Back) ,2020:
11-02-2021Programme for All Even Sem.LLB ,BA LLB and LLM (Reg and Special) Exam,2020:
10-02-2021Academic Calendar for the Session 2020-21:
09-02-20211st Sem Student (Ladies) Hostel Admission List:
09-02-20211st Sem Student(Gents) Hostel Admission List :
09-02-2021Advertisement for project fellow in Geology:
25-01-2021Venue list for FMU-RET Examination-2020:
22-01-2021Advertisement for MCA Spot Admission in F.M. University:
11-01-2021Programme for 1st Year B.Ed (Regular/Back) Exam,2020:
08-01-2021Notice for Prospective Guides / Co-Guides under affiliated Colleges under F.M. University:
06-01-2021Modified FMU RET Examination 2020 Notification:
05-01-2021FMU RET Examination 2020 Notification:
31-12-2020Notification for 1st Year B.Ed 2020 Examination:
17-12-2020FMU-RET Examination-2020:
17-12-2020Programme for 1st Year B.Ed (Reg/Back) Exam,2020:
17-12-2020Programme for the 1st MBBS Exam,2020:
08-12-2020Prospectus for the Academic Session 2020-21:
07-12-20201st Year B.Ed Exam Notification(Reg/Back) 2020:
07-12-2020Notice for MBA & MCA Candidates for the Academic Session 2020-21 through OJEE 2020:
07-12-2020Course Fee Structure of Different P.G. Programmes:
04-12-2020Notice for Reporting cum Admission for MBA Candidates for the Academic Session 2020-21 through OJEE 2020:
04-12-2020Notice for Reporting cum Admission for MCA Candidates for the Academic Session 2020-21 through OJEE 2020:
04-12-20203rd Phase Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed Waiting List:
27-11-2020Provisional Merit List and Waiting List of M.Phil. (English) course for the session 2020-21:
27-11-2020Provisional Merit List and Waiting List of M.Phil. (Urdu) course for the session 2020-21:
27-11-2020Provisional Merit List and Waiting List of M.Phil. (Odia) course for the session 2020-21:
26-11-2020Provisional Merit List and Waiting List of M.Phil. Bioscience and M.Phil. Biotechnology course for the session 2020-21:
26-11-2020Provisional Merit List and Waiting List of M.Phil. (Population Studies) 2020-21:
26-11-2020Provisional Merit List and Waiting List of M.Phil. (Management) 2020-21:
25-11-2020Notification:Provisional results of BLIS 1st and 2nd Sem. Exam are hereby published:
25-11-2020List of provisionally selected candidates for admission into M.Phil Physics 2020-21:
25-11-2020Merit list of M.Phil (Computer Science)2020-21:
25-11-2020Notification: programme for All Even Sem.(Back) Exam,2020 and 1st Year BEd Exam,2020:
25-11-2020DDCE Examination Result:
23-11-2020Merit list of M.Phil (Economics)2020-21:
23-11-2020Merit list of M.Phil (Pol Science)2020-21 :
23-11-2020Merit list of M.Phil (Sociology)2020-21:
19-11-2020Distance & NCP Mode Annual Examination Notification:
19-11-2020List of Eligible Candidates for Viva-voce Test for Admission into M. Phil. in Population Studies, 2020.:
19-11-2020List of Candidates short listed for Viva-voce test for M.Phil Bioscicence and M.Phil. Biotechnology admission-2020-21:
19-11-2020Eligible candidate list for the viva voce test for admission into M.Phil(Pol. Science) 2020:
19-11-2020Eligible candidate list for the viva voce test for admission into M.Phil(Sociology) 2020:
19-11-2020Eligible candidate list for the viva voce test for admission into M.Phil(Economics) 2020:
19-11-2020[Updated Date] Eligible candidate list for the viva voce test for admission into M.Phil(English) 2020:
19-11-2020[Updated Date] Eligible candidate list for the viva voce test for admission into M.Phil(Odia) 2020:
19-11-2020[Updated Date] Eligible candidate list for the viva voce test for admission into M.Phil(Urdu) 2020:
18-11-2020Merit list of Int.B.Ed-M.Ed Course-2020-21 (Arts):
18-11-2020Eligible candidate list for the viva voce test for admission into M.Phil(Physics) 2020:
18-11-2020Merit list of Int.B.Ed-M.Ed Course-2020-21 (Science):
13-11-2020Eligible candidates appear to M.Phil (Mgmt) Entrance Test:
13-11-2020PhD Course Work Examination 2019 Notification:
13-11-2020M.Phil Bio-Science & Bio-Tech 2020-21 Candidate List for Entrance Test:
11-11-2020M.Phil Env. Science 2020-21 Candidate List for Entrance Test:
09-11-2020M.Phil Economics 2020 Candidate List for Entrance Test:
09-11-2020M.Phil Odia 2020 Candidate List for Entrance Test:
09-11-2020M.Phil English 2020 Candidate List for Entrance Test:
09-11-2020M.Phil Urdu 2020 Candidate List for Entrance Test:
09-11-2020M.Phil Pol. Science 2020 Candidate List for Entrance Test:
09-11-2020M.Phil Sociology 2020 Candidate List for Entrance Test:
09-11-2020M.Phil Pop. Studies 2020 Candidate List for Entrance Test:
05-11-2020M.Phil Physics 2020 Candidate List for Entrance Test:
04-11-2020Programme for online Ph.D. course work Examination-2019:
01-11-2019Academic Calendar for the Session 2019-20:
Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited for supply of Micro Controller Processor with Development KIT to the TBI centre:
12-03-2025Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited for supply of Progamming service to the TBI centre:
03-03-2025Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited for supply and installation of one Desktop Computer,UPS,Printer:
20-02-2025Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited for printing of Affiliation Books for the Central Store:
10-02-2025Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited for supply and installation of one A.C. (1.5 Ton):
29-01-2025Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed Manpower Providing Agencies having valid Labour Contract Registration/ GST Regd. Pan No. etc. to provide the services of different Ministerial, Technical & other Class-IV personnels to the University:
09-01-2025Sealed tenders are invited for arranging pandal, auditorium, light, sound arrangement etc:
10-12-2024Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited from reputed agencies / firms / services providers / organization having GST Registration certificate & food safety licence (FSSAI Licence) for opening of 03 nos of Amenities Centre in New Campuses, Fakir Mohan University:
09-12-2024Sealed Quotations are invited for supply of Memento:
08-12-2024Sealed Quotations are invited for supply of Pen Drives:
05-12-2024Sealed Quotations are invited from reputed printers for printing and supply of 50 copies of Abstract Book of Odisha Research Conclave-2024.:
04-12-2024Tender Invited for Supply of Conference Bag:
03-12-2024Sealed tenders are invited for arranging/ providing Iron truss Pandal, Auditorium for 800 guests and space for Food court, Poster display and stalls:
07-11-2024Sealed quotations are invited from interested Dealers, Suppliers and Manufacturers for supply of Lab Equipment/Instruments to PG.Department of Chemistry:
07-11-2024Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Lab Equipment/Instruments:
22-10-2024Sealed quotations are invited from interested Dealers, Suppliers and Manufacturers for supply of Lab Equipment/ Instruments:
04-10-2024Sealed quotations are invited by the undersigned from the reputed manufacturers/authorized dealers for purchase of Trinocular Microscope:
25-09-2024Sealed quotations are invited from interested printing firms for printing and supply of Identity Cards:
10-09-2024Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed firms for the supply of Laptop:
06-09-2024Sealed quotations are invited from reputed printing firms/printer for printing and supply of a Vyasasambhar:
31-08-2024QUOTATION CALL NOTICE for Nikon Z30 Mirrorless:
29-08-2024Corrigendum of Tender Call Notice:
09-08-2024Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed firms for the supply of Workstation, Printer, Air Conditioner, Computer Table for the PG Dept. of Atmospheric Science:
05-08-2024Sealed quotations are invited from reputed printing firms/printer for printing and supply of a Book :
05-08-2024Sealed quotations are invited:
22-07-2024Sealed quotations are invited for supply of High resolution dedicated microscopy color camera with adapter:
22-07-2024Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Desktop Computer (All in one model):
22-07-2024Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Laser printer (All in one):
22-07-2024Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Binocular stereo zoom microscope:
01-07-2024Sealed quotations are invited from interested Dealers, Suppliers and Manufacturers having valid GSTIN certificate, PAN card and authorized dealer certificate for supply of equipment :
21-06-2024Sealed tenders are invited from reputed Tent House owner/ Event Managers:
11-06-2024Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited from reputed agencies/ firms/ services providers/ organization for providing "Batteries for 10 KvA on-line UPS":
04-03-2024Sealed Quotations are invited from reputed firms for supply and installation of Laboratory accessories in the P. G. Department of Physics, F. M. University:
28-02-2024Sealed Tender are invited from interested parties / Agencies having valid GST for lifting of damaged MS Street Light Pole:
28-02-2024Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited from reputed agencies/ firms/ services providers/ organization for providing Millet Cafe shop, Books/stationery shop, Tiffin Centre [Not Fast Food]:
28-02-2024Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited from reputed agencies/ firms/ services providers/ organization for providing Canteen Services:
27-02-2024Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed firms for supply of furnitures :
20-02-2024Tender Call Notice for Supply and Installation of Air Conditioner :
16-01-2024Sealed Quotations are invited from reputed firms for supply of T-shirts & Caps:
05-12-2023Sealed tenders are invited from reputed Tent House owner/ Event Managers:
23-11-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply of furnitures & electronics items:
18-11-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Transcriptome Sequencing (mRNA) and Advanced Analysis for DST-SERB project:
10-11-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply of “Lab. Equipments” and “Chemicals, Glassware, Plastic ware and miscellaneous lab. Items” :
08-11-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply of -Lab equipment and supply of "Chemicals, Glassware, Plastic ware and miscellaneous lab items:
07-09-2023Tender Call Notice for supply, Installation and Training of Interactive Display Pannel :
26-08-2023Sealed quotations are invited for printing and suppty of ldentity Cards for students and employees:
24-08-2023Tender Call Notice for e-rickshaw :
23-08-2023Sealed Quotation are invited for supply and installation of Video Camera and 4K Led TV:
22-08-2023Tender call notice for purchase of laboratory equipment of DST-SERB project:
22-08-2023Quotation call notice for purchase of items for Rice museum:
22-08-2023Sealed Tenders are invited for Construction of Moot court and supply of electrical & electronics item:
17-08-2023Sealed Quotation are invited from reputed printers for printing and supply of 24 volumes of "NEWS LETTER":
17-08-2023Tender Call Notice for renovation of Basketball Court:
11-08-2023Sealed Tenders are invited for supply of furnitures in the HRD Centre, F.M. University:
09-08-2023Sealed Tenders are invited for supply and installation of Laptop, Desktop Dr. H.K Mahatab Library:
08-08-2023Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited for providing canteen/catering services in both the Campuses:
04-08-2023Sealed Quotations are invited for supply of 2 KVA online UPS:
28-07-2023Sealed tenders are invited for supply of laboratory equipment/ items to the P. G. Department of Geography:
20-07-2023Sealed Quotations are invited for Iifting of damaged MS Street Light Pole:
19-07-2023Sealed Tenders are invited for supply, printing and installation of Bio sketch of eminent persons to be written in digital sticker and pasted on fiber glass display board:
19-07-2023Sealed Tenders are invited for supply and installation of software and Accessories for low vision users and Computer Kiosk cum self-issue & rstum countar for Dr. H.K. Mahatab Library, Fakir Mohan University:
19-07-2023Sealed Tenders for supply and installation of Laptop, Desktop and ID Card printer for Dr. H.K. Mahatab Library:
18-07-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply and installation of electrical items :
15-07-2023Sealed Quotation are invited from reputed printers for printing and supply of "ANVESA" (three volumes 2019,2020, and 2021):
08-07-2023Tender Cancellation Notice :
08-07-2023Sealed Tenders are invited for supply of Psychological Instruments, Furniture, Computer, UPS, Electrical Items for University counselling centre by the P.G. Department of Applied Psychology:
03-07-2023Tenders are invited for construction of Wall Cupboards/ Wooden Almirah and Computer Lab setup forr 44 nos. of systems in Dr. H.K. Mahatab Library Building:
28-06-2023Sealed tenders are invited for arranging iron truss pandal and auditorium for about 800 guests for celebration of 25th Foundation Day:
22-06-2023Sealed quotations are invited or supply of 2 KVA online UPS:
21-06-2023Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed firms for supply, installation and training of Interactive Display Pannel and Interactive White Board systems for various locations in both the campus of the F,M, University:
12-06-2023Tender for Lifting valued answer scripts :
08-06-2023Sealed tenders are invited from the reputed firms/ Contractors having Contractor license for construction of Green House in Botanic Garden at Nerw Campus of F.M. University:
26-05-2023Sealed quotations are invited by the undersigned from the reputed manufacturers/authorized dealers for purchase of Instruments:
24-05-2023Sealed Quotations are invited from reputed printers for printing and supply of Vyasa Sambhar-2023:
21-04-2023Quotation Call Notice for Book Carrying Trolley:
17-04-2023Computer Lab Set Up:
17-04-2023Sealed quotations are invited for Construction of Computer Lab setup:
11-04-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply of “Lab Furniture & Fixtures”:
04-04-2023Sealed quotations are invited for purchase of Instruments:
31-03-2023Sealed tenders are invited for construction of Geology Museum in the parking shed near Language & Literature Building in New Campus:
31-03-2023Quotation Call Notice for "Organic Fertilizer Making Machine":
24-03-2023Sealed tenders are invited for construction of Store room and Counter:
24-03-2023Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed firms for supply of Desktop Computer, UPS and computer spare parts:
23-03-2023Sealed tenders are invited for repairing and renovation of the room:
18-03-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply and installation of name plate of Dr. H.K Mahatab Library to be written with steel steel letter block:
14-03-2023Sealed quotations are invited for purchase of Instruments:
04-03-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Lab equipments/ Chemicals/ Lab. Consumables:
01-03-2023Sealed quotations are invited from reputed firms for supply of the items mentioned in the Quotation:
01-03-2023Sealed quotations are invited from interested Dealers, Suppliers and Manufacturers for supply of Lab Equipment:
28-02-2023Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed firms for supply of Fire Extinguisher:
20-02-2023Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed firms for supply of bookrest:
16-02-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Lab equipments:
14-02-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Lab equipments:
06-02-2023Sealed quotations are invited for construction of Paver Block Road:
13-01-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply of chemicals, glassware, plasticware, instruments and miscellaneous laboratory consumables:
07-01-2023Tender Call Notice (for Lab Equipment/Chemicals/Lab Consumables etc.):
07-01-2023Sealed tenders are invited f'rom reputed Tent House owner/ Event Managers:
07-01-2023Sealed quotations are invited from the reputed caterer/ firms for supply of Breakfast:
07-01-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply of chemicals, glassware, plasticware, instruments and miscellaneous laboratory consumables:
04-01-2023Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Server, Desktop Computer, UPS, Split AC, Inverter and Printer in PG Dept. of Population Studies:
30-12-2022Sealed quotations are invited for repair & renovation of 3 rooms in Administrative Building of the University at New Campus (Nuapadhi):
29-12-2022Quotation Call Notice for Botanical Garden:
28-12-2022Sealed quotations are invited for installation of stainless steel grill gate at the boundary wall of the VC Residence:
16-12-2022Tender for supply and installation of Konica Minolta make photo copier :
13-12-2022Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed firms for supply of Server, Desktop Computer, UPS, Split AC, Inverter and Printer:
05-12-2022Sealed quotations are invited from the reputed Tent House owners / Event Managers and Printing Press:
03-12-2022Sealed quotations are here by invited for supply of Projector:
01-11-2022Sealed quotations are here by invited for supply of Chemicals, Glassware, Plastic ware and Miscellaneous Laboratory consumables:
02-09-2022Sealed quotations are invited from the intending buyers, authorised e-waste collection agencies/ dismantlers centres/ firms/ dealers registered with CPCB/ OSPCB for sale of e-waste of Fakir Mohan University:
26-07-2022Sealed quotations are invited for installation/ digging a borewell:
29-06-2022Sealed quotations are invited from the reputed Tent House owners for arranging the Iron truss pandal and auditorium for about 1000 audience:
28-06-2022Sealed Quotations are invited for printing and supply of 100 copies of a book:
24-06-2022Sealed Quotations are invited from reputed printers for Printing and supply of "Vyasa Sambhara 2022":
24-05-2022Sealed Tender / Quotations are invited for providing Canteen/catering services in both the Campuses,Fakir Mohan University:
15-03-2022Supply Order to Blue Ocean, BBSR:
15-03-2022Supply Order to Scientific Traders, Balasore:
14-03-2022Sealed quotations are invited from interested printing firms for printing and supply of Identity Cards for students.:
03-03-2022Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Lab equipments/ Chemicals/ Lab. Consumables (Plastic ware and miscellaneous items) for a Science & Technology, Govt. of Odisha Project:
23-02-2022Tender No 512 is hereby cancelled:
23-02-2022Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Chemicals, Glasswares, Plasticwares and Miscellaneous Laboratory consumables:
22-02-2022Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Lab equipment/instruments for BRNS Project:
22-02-2022Sealed Quotations are invited for supply of Lab. Equipment/Instruments and Lab. Consumables for S&T Govt. Odisha funded Project:
17-02-2022Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Lab equipment/instruments:
10-02-2022Sealed quotations are invited for supply of printed circulation Registers:
04-02-2022Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Electronics items to the Principal Investigator, DST-SERB Project, Department of Biosciences and Biotechnology, F.M. University:
03-02-2022Quotation call for supply of Chemicals to the Principal Investigator, DST-SERB Project, P.G. Department of Biosciences and Biotechnology:
02-02-2022Quotation call for supply of Glasswares and plasticwares to the Principal Investigator, DST-SERB Project, P.G. Department of Biosciences and Biotechnology, F.M. University:
31-01-2022Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Minor Instruments, Chemicals, Glassware, Plastic ware and Miscellaneous Laboratory consumables to the P.G. Department of Zoology:
31-01-2022Quotation call for Molecular Biology Chemicals:
17-01-2022Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Lab equipments; supply of Chemicals, Glassware and Plasticwares through Annual Rate Contract for the center of Excellence,FMU.:
11-01-2022Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed Manpower Providing Agencies to provide the services of different Ministerial, Technical & other Class-IV personnels:
06-01-2022Tender Call Notice for Supply of Books and Journals:
16-12-2021Sealed Quotations are invited from reputed firms for supply of meal:
16-12-2021Quotation Call Notice (For Lab Equipments/Chemicals/Lab Consumables) for DAE- BRNS sponsored project:
03-12-2021Tender Call Notice for Supply of Laboratory items to P.G. Dept of Bio Technology :
15-11-2021Cancel of tender opening date of P.G. Department of Chemistry:
02-11-2021Sealed quotations are here by invited for supply of Chemicals, Glassware, Plastic ware and Miscellaneous Laboratory consumables:
08-10-2021Sealed Quatations are invited from reputed Travel/Transport Agencies:
04-10-2021Tender for Selection of Service Providing Agency to the F.M. University stands Cancelled:
09-09-2021Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited for supply of vehicle:
23-06-2021Extension of tender call notice for submission of the quotation of printing and supply of Vyasa Sambhar-2021:
25-03-2021Corrigendum Notice:
24-03-2021Sealed quotations are invited from interested printing firms for printing and supply of Identity Cards for the students of the session 2020-21:
04-03-2021Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed firms for supply and installation of Stone Statue and supply of Electrical items and Office Stationery: