University Library:


The central library of Fakir Mohan University was established in the year 1999. The library was named as Dr. Harekrushna Mahatab Library on 11 th July,2005 in the memory of late Dr. H.K Mahatab: a great freedom fighter as well as former chief minister of Odisha, who hailed from this locality.

The ground floor of the library at old campus was constructed out of MPLAD fund of Prof, M.N Das, an eminent historian of India. The first floor of the same building was constructed with the financial support of Mr. M.A Kharbela Swain from his M.P LAD fund. The built of area of this building is 322.91 Sqare meter.

The another building having total built up area 1000 has been provided for functioning of library at Nuapadhi campus.

There are three special galleries exhibiting the personal works/ collections of eminent persons.

Fakir Mohan Archive:

This part is enriched with the different intellectual works of Vyasa Kabi Fakir Mohan.

Jayanta Mohapatra Gallery:

This part houses the personal collections of poet Padmashree Jayanta Mohapatra, whose collections are enriched with English literature and criticism.

Dr. K.P Mishra Gallery:

The library aims at selecting, acquiring, storing ,retrieving and disseminating information for the greater interest of the academic community of the university.

To achieve the objectives, the library acquires books, journals, reports and thesis of national and international repute to build up information services for its users.


The library is managed by a committee, which is constituted as per statutes of the University. This committee formulates plans and policies for library. The day to day administrative works and management are looked after under the supervision of The Director, University Library. Now Dr. Nihar Ranjan Rout, Associate Professor, P.G Department of Geography is assigned with the duties of The Director, Dr. H.K Mahatab Library.

Units Of Library:

The Library has been divided into following units:

Serial No Unit Name Old Campus (Remuna Golei) New Campus (Nuapadhi)
1 ADMINISTRATIVE NO (Controlled from new Campus) NO
2 AQUISITION YES (Controlled from new Campus) YES
3 TECHNICAL YES (Controlled from new Campus) YES
Library Services:
  1. Circulation of books tdrough open access system
  2. Reading Room facility
  3. Reference facility
  4. Internet facility
  5. Reprographic facility
  6. Plagiarism Detection
  7. Regular Seminar/ Webinar to aware the users
E- Resources:

E- Sodha Sindhu-

It is provided by INFLIBNET: an IUC of UGC. The access link is I.P based(static). So, it can be accessed from the Computer laboratory of the Library at Nuapadhi only.

The following steps to be followed to access/ browse the e- Resources of ess.


Type this address on Google:

This home page will appear:


Click on Members Link and this will come:


Type the name of our University in the search box. Then the home page of our University will appear..


Click on the link: View e- Resources and continue your browsing.


This e-resource is provided by Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha through Odisha University consortium. As the access of this resource is user id and password based, one person having Android mobile/ Laptop can access information remotely from his / her residence by using following steps.

Search URL:
User Id: FMU_LIB
Password: Welcome2PQ!
Staff of Library:

Mr. Ratikanta Behera, Assistant Librarian
Responsibility: Aquisition, Technical Works and overall supervision.

Mr. Mukteswar Mohapatra, Assistant Librarian
Responsibility: Administration, E-Resources , Plagiarism Detection and other technical works.

Mr. Akshaya Kumar Jee, Library Assistant.
Responsibility: Circulation section at old campus.

Miss Suranjita Dash,Professional Assistant.
Responsibility: Circulation Works at new campus, E-Resources and PDS.

Mr. Purna Chandra Muduli, Professional Assistant.
Responsibility: Reading Room, Reference Section, Reprography, Thesis, Internet facilitation.

Mr. Rajesh Kumar Parhi, Library Attendant.
Responsibility: Reading Room

Mr. Rabindra Mohanty, Library Attendant.
Responsibility: Circulation section at old campus.

Mr. Chandaneswar Sahu, Peon
Responsibility: Attending all seats during normal office hour.

Mr. Apurba Kumar Rout, Peon
Responsibility: Property Counter

Mr. Shakti Shankar Behera, Peon
Responsibility: Attending all seats during normal office hour at old campus

F.M University, Vyasa Vihar, Balasore
Position of Books As on 26-08-2020(Year/Account Wise Addition)
YEAR PGR UGC DON TOTAL Subject No.of Books as on 26-08-2020
2002-2003 2110 0 0 2110 Bio Science & Bio-Tech 3331
2003-2004 658 0 0 658 Population and Social Work 2054
2004-2005 878 0 0 878 Env. Sc 3812
2005-2006 1898 0 258 2156 I & CT 6508
2006-2007 979 5128 7 6114 Management & Commerce 9107
2007-2008 291 0 61 352 Physics 2588
2008-2009 947 0 28 975 Social Science 5916
2009-2010 7851 458 394 8703 Odia 3696
2010-2011 0 0 0 0 English 2335
2011-2012 0 0 24 24 Hindi 97
2012-2013 11 1121 0 1132 Sanskrit 105
2013-2014 265 0 0 265 Bengali 21
2014-2015 2477 4963 3427 10867 Urdu 781
2015-2016 61 0 11 72 Gen Ref. 2454
2016-2017 2231 0 809 3040 Law 192
2017-2018 7008 0 124 7132 Lib & Inf. Sc 282
2018-2019 4545 0 0 4545 History 111
2019-2020 821 0 0 821 Chemistry 517
2019-2020 0 0 0 0 Education 1936
2019-2020 0 0 0 0 Journalism 0
2019-2020 0 0 0 0 Geography 247
2019-2020 0 0 0 0 Geology 169
2019-2020 0 0 0 0 Mathematics 215
2019-2020 0 0 0 0 Gallery 3370
Total 33031 11670 5143 49844 Total 49844
Our Own Publications
  1. Uttar Odisha Upanta Anchalar Sanskruti
  2. Fakirmohan Senapati and his times
  3. Happy Wife Unhappy woman
  4. Tribal Development
  5. Educational Vacuum and Social Dynamics
  6. Child Labour Malady in India
  7. Means Succeed Ends fail.
  8. Vyasakavi FakirMohan
  9. Kabi Shekhar Chintamani Srujan Sambhar
  10. Fakir Mohan Darpan
  11. Shree DhrujatiFakir Mohan
  12. Padma Shree Laxminarayan Sahu
  13. Hariprasad Rachanabali
  14. Mogal Tamsa
  15. Anvesha, V-4, issue-1 & 2,2009
List of Magazines Subscribed at Present
  1. Front Line
  2. Science Refresher
  3. Science Reporter
  4. Down to earth
  5. Kurukshetra
  6. Yojana
  7. Digit
  8. Banking Service Chronicle
  9. Competetion Success review
  10. Pratiyogita Kiran
  11. Current affairs
  12. India Today : Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology
  13. Out Look
  14. The Weekly

Name of the Library Dr. H.K Mahatab Library
Address Vyasa Vihar, Nuapadhi, Mitrapur, Balasore, Pin-756089<
Built Up Area 1000 campus), 322.91 (old)
Seating capacity 60 (New Campus)
Working hour 10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
a. Books 49844
b. Journals 218 Volumes
a. ProQuest Activated
b. INFLIBNET Activated
Library services and facilities
  1. Circulation of books through open access system
  2. Reading Room facility
  3. Reference facility
  4. Internet facility
  5. Reprographic facility
  6. Plagiarism Detection
  7. Seminar/Webinar
Classification Scheme Adopted DDC
Cataloguing Code AACR-2R
Charging/Discharging Newark
Access to resources Open Access
Average users-(reading) 40
Average users-(Circulation) 60
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  1. Last Updated: 06-03-2023