Post Graduate Council:

The nomenclature of the Post Graduate Council of the University is P.G. Central Office.

The P.G. Central Office of the University is established to look after the academic Excellence of the University under the able guidance of P.G. Council.

The P.G. Council is constituted with the following members:

  1. Chairman, P.G. Council Chairperson
  2. All HOD's of P.G. Departments - Members
  3. Warden of P.G. Hostel's- Members


Chairman Hierarchy
Tenure of the Chairperson.
  1. The Chairman of the P. G. Council shall be appointed for a period of two academic years by the Vice-chancellor from amongst the professors of the University on seniority-cum-rotation basis.
  1. The Chairman shall preside over the meeting of the Post Graduate Council and in his absence; the senior most Professor of the P.G. Department present in the meeting shall preside over the meeting. The Chairman shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be determined by the Syndicate from time to time.
  2. Subject to the powers and decision of the Syndicate, the Post Graduate Council may perform the functions and discharge the duties in relation to the matters of -
    1. Determining of General policy in regard to the Post Graduate Studies and Research.
    2. Determining of principles for award of free-student ship and S.S.G grants.
    3. Look after the discipline and welfare of the students.
    4. Publish the magazines and prospectus of the P.G. Departments.
    5. Selection of students for admission to different courses/ departments as per the regulations, if any, framed by the Academic Council
    6. Select the admission of students for the Hostel's and discipline.
    7. Developing and sponsoring subjects/projects which are inter- disciplinary, inter-faculty in character in collaboration with Industries/Departments and other organizations;
    8. Taking steps for Establishment of Schools of Studies in different interconnected/ Disciplinary Subjects and Departments;
    9. Enforce the guidelines of the University Grants Commission issued from time to time on the subject of work and responsibility of teacher; and
    10. Shall perform such other functions as may be assigned to Council by the Syndicate or the Academic Council from time to time
Additional Functionalities:
  1. Grant of C.L / A.L of Teaching faculty of P.G Department.
  2. The Head P.G Department will duly transmit the CCR / PAR of Teaching Faculty Members to the Chairpersons P.G Council
  3. The P.G Council issues CLC and Conduct Certificate on production of no dues clearance certificate
Committees under P.G Council:
  1. Admission cum Prospectus Committee
  2. Residential Committee
  3. Disciplinary Committee
  4. Cultural Committee
  5. Sports Committee
  6. Students Magazine Committee
  7. Extra Mural Lecture Committee
  8. NSS unit
  9. Anti Ragging Committee

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  1. Last Updated: 06-03-2023