NAAC(National Assessment and Accreditation Council):

  1. Self Study Report (SSR)

  2. NAAC Information

Serial No Details Download
1 NAAC Certificate 2015 Download
2 University Information[UGC's 12(B), 2 (f) and State Govt Notification] Download
3 Test Download
4 Minutes of the Meeting of the NAAC Preparatory Committee and Advisory Committee held on 03/08/2021 Download
5 Minutes of the Meeting of the NAAC Preparatory Committee and Advisory Committee held on 09/11/2021 Download
6 Proceedings of the Review Meeting of NAAC Related Activities, Fakir Mohan University held on 16/09/2021 Download
7 SSR for 2nd Cycle NAAC Download
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  1. Last Updated: 06-03-2023