Our University:

The Fakir Mohan University, Vyasa Vihar, Balasore was established by the Government of Odisha, under Section 32 of the Odisha Universities Act, 1989 (Act 5 of 1989) and it was notified vide the Government's Notification No. 973 dated 3rd July, 1999. The University has also been duly recognized by the UGC under section 2(f) of the UGC Act by the Notification No. F-9-1 / 2000 (CPP-I), dated 11th February 2000 as well as under section 12(B), vide UGC letter No. F.9-1 /2000 (CPP-I) dated 23rd December, 2005. It has also been accredited by the Association of Indian Universities, vide their letter No. Meet: SC: 261:2K/108693, dated 22nd August, 2000. The University is functioning from its present campus at VyasaVihar. New campus at Nuapadhi has already started functioning. All the P.G. Departments of the University are computer based. Automation of the office and the library is going to be completed soon.

Special distinctions of the University:
  1. Non-negotiable academic calendar and timely publication of results.
  2. Up to date in distribution of Degrees and Certificates.
  3. All PG Departments are computer based.
  4. All students are covered under Health insurance.
  5. Basic Mathematics and Reasoning are imparted to all PG students to Equip them in employment market.
  6. Personality Development Programs including Campus interviews are undertaken for the students.
Our Departments:
Students Strength of Regular Courses
Serial No P.G. Departments Courses Offered Number of Seats
1 Physics M.Sc. Applied Physics and Ballistics (2017-19)-Pre-revised 16+04 SF/In service
2 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology M.Sc. Biotechnology (2021-2023) 32
3 Botany M.Sc. Botany (2021-22) 24
4 Business Management MBA (Revised) 40
5 Chemistry Master of Science(2022-23) 32
6 Commerce M.Com (2022-23) 40
7 Education MA EDUCATION 2021-22 32
8 Geography M. A./ M. Sc. in Geography (2020-22) Structure 16
9 Geology M.Sc. Geology 2022-23 24
10 History and Archeology M.A History (2022-23) 32
11 Computer Science MCA (2021-23) 30
12 Computer Science M.Sc. IT (2021-23) 10
13 Journalism and Mass Communication M.A. Journalism and Mass Commuunication 2021-22 32
14 Language and Literature M.A. in Odia 40
15 Language and Literature M.A. in English (2023-24) 24
16 Language and Literature M.A. in Urdu-Revised (2021-22) 16
17 Mathematics M Phil Mathematics 2021-22 6
18 Social Science M.A. IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 2021-22 32
19 Social Science PhD COURSEWORK 2021-22 As per UGC Norms
20 Social Science M.A. in Sociology 2020-21 32
21 Zoology M.Sc. Zoology 2022-23 32
22 Physics Value Added Course 40
23 Chemistry Master of Science (2021-22)_Revised 24
24 Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy (2021-22)_Revised 02
25 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology MPhil Biotechnology (2021-2022) As per UGC Guideline
26 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology Pre PhD (2020-21) As per Vacancy
27 Education Ph D in Education 08
28 Education Certificate Course in Guidance and Counselling 50
29 Physics M.Sc. Applied Physics and Ballistics (2021-23)-Revised 16+04 SF/In service
30 Physics Pre PhD Course Work 2020 ONWARDS-Revised As per UGC Guidline and Vaccancy
31 Language and Literature PRE-REVISED M.PHIL in English (2020-2021) 03
32 Social Science Value Added Course 96
33 Computer Science Pre PhD. Coursework-Revised As per UGC Guidline and Vacancy
34 Information and Communication Technology Value Added Course 50
35 Environmental Sciences PhD Environmental Science 2019-20 As per UGC guideline
36 Environmental Sciences Value Added Course in Industrial Safety Management 50
37 Mathematics M.A/M.Sc. Mathematics 2021-22 24
38 Mathematics Value Added Course 24
39 Mathematics MA/MSc Mathematics 2020-21 24
40 Botany Value Added Course in Mushroom Cultivation 50
41 Business Management MBA (Pre-Revised) 40
42 Business Management Pre PhD Course Work in Management (Revised) As per UGC Guidline and Vacancy
43 Business Management Value Added Course on Soft Skill 40
44 Business Management Value Added Course on Advance Excel Skill 40
45 Social Science M.A in POLITICAL SCIENCE 2020-21 32
46 Language and Literature REVISED PRE PHD COURSEWORK ENGLISH 09
47 Physics Ph.D. / EXECUTIVE Ph.D. COURSE WORK IN PHYSICS 2022-23 As per UGC Guideline & Vaccancy
48 Geology Geology (2020-21) 16
49 Geology Geology (2019-21) 16
50 Social Science Pol Science 2020-21 32
51 Mathematics MA/MSc Mathematics 2022-23 40
52 Business Management Pre PhD Coursework in Management (Pre-Revised) As per UGC Guidelines & Vacancy
53 Environmental Sciences PhD Environmental Science 2021-22 As per UGC guideline
54 Environmental Sciences PhD Environmental Science 2022-23 As per UGC guideline
55 Geography M. A./ M. Sc. in Geography (2020-22) 16
56 Geography M. A./ M. Sc. in Geography (2021-23) 16
57 Journalism and Mass Communication PG JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION 2022-23 32
58 Social Science MA in Economics 2021-22 32
59 Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy (2022-23) 2
60 Chemistry Master of Science (2020-21)_Revised 24
61 Chemistry Master of Science (2019-20)_Pre-revised 24
62 Chemistry Master of Science (2018-19)_Pre-revised 16
63 Physics M.Sc. Physics_2021-22(Revised) 24
64 Physics M.Sc. Physics(17-19)-Pre-revised 24
65 Physics PhD_Course_Work_Physics-2023-24 As per UGC Guidline and Vaccancy
66 Social Science Pre Revised PhD Political Science Syllabus 2020-21 As Per Vaccancy
67 Language and Literature PrePhD Odia 2021-22 As Per vaccancy
68 Social Science MA IN ECONOMICS 2020-21 32
69 Social Science MA IN SOCIOLOGY 2021-22 32
70 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology MSc Biotechnology (2018-2020) 32
71 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology MSc Biotechnology (2019-2021) 32
72 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology MSc Biotechnology (2020-2022) 32
73 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology MSc Biotechnnology (2021-2023) 32
74 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology MSc Biotechnnology (2022-2024) 32
75 Computer Science Pre PhD Coursework-Pre revised As per UGC Guideline and Vacancy
76 Computer Science MCA(2022-24) 40
77 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology Pre PhD Course Work 2021 ONWARDS-Revised As per Vacancy
78 Language and Literature M.A. in English-Revised (2021-22) 16
79 Language and Literature M.A. in Urdu-Pre-Revised (2017-19) 16
80 Commerce M.Com Prerevised 32
81 Geography M Phil in Geography 4
82 Geography PhD in Geography 3
83 Botany PhD As per UGC norms
84 Commerce Pre PhD Course Work in Commerce (Revised) As per UGC Guidline and Vacancy
85 Commerce Pre PhD Course Work in Commerce (Pre Revised) As per UGC Guidelines and Vacancy
86 Commerce MPHIL COMMERCE 06
87 Botany MSc Botany (2022-23) 32
88 History and Archeology PrePhD Coursework As per UGC guideline
89 History and Archeology History Pre Revised 32
90 Commerce Valu Added Course on GST 32
95 Language and Literature PreRevised MA Odia 32
96 Language and Literature PreRevised PrePh.D. Coursework Odia As Per Vaccancy and Guideline
97 Language and Literature PreRevised PrePhD Coursework English AsPerVacancyandGuideline
98 Journalism and Mass Communication PrePhD in Journalism and Mass Commuunication AsPerGuideline
99 Geology PrePhD Geology AsPerGuideline
100 Zoology PrePhD Zoology AsPerGuideline
101 Zoology Msc Zoology 2020-21 Prerevised 24
102 Zoology Msc Zoology 2021-22 Revised 24
103 Journalism and Mass Communication MA in Journalism and Mass Communication Pre Revised 32
104 Chemistry PreRevised PrePhD Coursework(2018-19) 2
105 Mathematics PrePhD Coursework in Mathematics AsPerGuidelines
106 Mathematics Pre PhD Coursework 2024-25 As Per Vaccancy
107 Education MA EDUCATION 2022-23 40
108 Commerce MCOM (2020-21) 32
109 History and Archeology Pre Revised 2018-19 32
110 History and Archeology Revised 32
111 Education MA Education 2020-21 32
112 Geology Geology (2021-22) 16
113 Education Essentials of Peace and Sustainability 30
114 Language and Literature PhD Urdu 2021-22 As Per vaccancy
115 Zoology Pre Ph.D Course Work ZOOLOGY 2021-22 Revised As Per Vaccancy
116 Language and Literature MA ENGLISH 16
117 Language and Literature MA ENGLISH 16
118 Language and Literature Fakir Mohan Studies Non Credit All
119 Population Studies Population Studies VAC 2023-24 24
120 Social Science MA IN ECONOMICS 2022-23 32
121 Social Science MA IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 2022-23 32
122 Social Science MA IN SOCIOLOGY 2022-23 32
126 Chemistry Master of Science (2023-24) 32
127 Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy (2023-24) 02
128 Geology Mapping of the Course to employability 40
129 Geography Demand Ratio List (SAMS) 16
130 Zoology MSc 2023-24 32
131 Geography M. A./ M. Sc. in Geography (2023-25) 24
132 Geography Ph. D. Course Work 2023 10
133 Geography Value Added/ Add-On Courses Syllabus: 2023 24
134 Population Studies M.A in Population Studies (2023-24) 24
135 Mathematics MA MSc Mathematics 40
136 Population Studies Ph.D. Syllabus (2023-24) N/A
137 M.Com (2023-24) 40
138 Commerce M.Com (2023-24) 40
139 Computer Science MCA(2023-24) 40
140 Physics MSc_physics_2023-modified-PO-CO 40
141 Education MA EDUCATION 2023-25 40
142 Business Management MBA (w.e.f. 2023-24) 40
143 Personal Management and Industrial Relations PMIR (w.e.f. 2023-24) 16
144 Geology MSC IN APPLIED GEOLOGY 2024-25 24
145 Computer Science MCA (2024-26) 40
146 Chemistry Master of Science (2024-25) 32
147 Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy (2024-25) 14
148 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology MSc Biotechnology 32
149 Mathematics M.A/M.Sc. Mathematics 2024-25 40
150 Journalism and Mass Communication PG Journalism and Mass Communication 2024-25 32
151 Environmental Sciences M.Sc. Environmental Science 2024-25 32
152 Environmental Sciences M.Sc. Environmental Science 2023-24 32
153 Zoology M Sc 2024-25 32
154 Geography M. A./ M. Sc. in Geography Syllabus (2024-26) PO PSO IKS 24
155 Commerce MCom (2024-25) 40

Students Strength of Self-Financing Courses
Serial No P.G. Departments Courses Offered Number of Seats
1 Physics M.Phil in Physics (2017-18)-Pre-revised 09 (As per UGC Guidline)
2 Applied Physics and Ballistics M.Sc. in Physics (2020-22) 24
3 Education Integrated BEd MEd 2021-22 50
4 Information and Communication Technology M.Phil. in Computer Science(2021-22) As Per UGC Guidelines
5 Chemistry Master of Philosophy (2021-22)(Newly Introduced) 04
6 Education M Phil Education 06
7 Applied Physics and Ballistics M.Sc. in Physics (2021-23) 24
8 Physics M.Phil in Physics (2021-22)-Revised 09 (As per UGC Guidline)
9 Language and Literature REVISED M.Phil. English (2021-22) 03
10 Business Management M.Phil. in Management (Pre-Revised) As per UGC guideline
11 Business Management M.Phil. in Management (Revised) 03 (as per UGC guideline)
12 Library and Information Science Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS: 2022-23) 24
13 Library and Information Science Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS: 2021-22) 24
14 Library and Information Science Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS: 2020-21) 24
15 Library and Information Science Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS: 2019-20) 24
16 Library and Information Science Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS: 2018-19) 24
17 Library and Information Science Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS: 2017-18) 24
18 Personal Management and Industrial Relations PMIR 16
19 Chemistry Master of Science (2017-18) 16
20 Social Science M.Phil in Pol Science 2020-21 As Per Vaccancy
21 Language and Literature M.Phil Odia 2021-22 As Per vaccancy
22 Social Work Master of Social Work 16
23 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology MPhil Bioscience (2020-2021) As per UGC Guideline
24 Bio-Science and Bio-Technology MPhil Biotechnology (2020-2021) As per UGC Guideline
25 Language and Literature M.Phil Urdu 2019-20 As Per vaccancy
26 Language and Literature M.Phil Urdu 2021-22 As Per vaccancy
27 Language and Literature Pre-PhD Coursework Urdu 2019-20 As Per vaccancy
28 Language and Literature Pre-PhD Coursework Urdu 2017-18 As Per vaccancy
29 Social Science M.Phil in Political Science 2021-22 As Per vaccancy
30 Social Science M.Phil in Sociology 2020-21 AS PER VACANCY
31 Social Science M.Phil in Sociology 2021-22 As per Vacancy
32 Social Science M.Phil in Economics 2021-22 As per Vacancy
33 Computer Science M.Phil. Computer Science-Pre revised-2017-18 As per UGC Guidelines
35 Language and Literature PreRevised MPhil Odia AsPerVaccancyandGuideline
36 Journalism and Mass Communication MPhil in Journalism and Mass Commuunication AsPerGuideline
37 Geology MPhil Geology AsPerGuideline
38 Education Integrated BEd MEd 2022-23 50
39 Education Integrated BEd-MEd 2020-21 50
40 Education M.Phil Education 2021-22 As Per vaccancy
41 Language and Literature MPhil English 2017 18 As
42 Language and Literature MPhil English 2018 19 As
43 Language and Literature MPhil English 2019 20 As
44 Sanskrit MA in Sanskrit 24
45 Library and Information Science Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS: 2023-24) 24
46 Social Work Master of Social Work 16
47 Education Integrated BEd MEd 2023-26 50
48 Computer Science M.Sc. in Data Science(2023-24) 40
49 Sanskrit MA in Sanskrit Session 2023-24 24
50 Journalism and Mass Communication PG Diploma in Communication for Social Behaviour Change 24
51 Anthropology Masters in Anthropology 16
52 Micro Biology MSc Applied Micro Biology 24
53 Physics MSc in Atmospheric Science 2023-25 24
54 Law LLM 24
55 Library and Information Science Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS: 2024-25) 24
56 Law LLM 24
57 Personal Management and Industrial Relations PMIR (2024-26) 16
58 Personal Management and Industrial Relations PMIR VAC (2023-25) 16


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Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Orissa

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  1. Last Updated: 06-03-2023