About Department |
Department of Zoology is home to a thriving community of researchers, students, staff, and visitors who share a fascination with organisms. How they develop, function, behave, interact and evolve. The department bridges the different levels of organization from the cellular basis of animal form, function, and behavior to the interactions between organisms, people, and policy. The department is involved in conservation biology to human-animal conflicts to the molecular basis of immunology/cancer biology using cutting-edge bioinformatics tools. Our work has an impact in the areas of biodiversity, biotechnology, health, conservation, global change, and sustainability across the world and reaches out to academics, practitioners, students, school pupils, and a broad audience who share our interests and concerns. People often comment on the supportive ambiance in the department and we prize that aspect of our environment. We are committed to an inclusive community built on a solid foundation of mutual respect. We believe equality and diversity are fundamental to a successful research and teaching institution and that a collaborative, considerate and open research culture underpins excellence. Our community reaches beyond our buildings to our friends and alumni across the world. Welcome. Coordinator Department of Zoology |
Vision/Mission/Goal |
Vision |
Mission |
Goal |