Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma

Amit Kumar Sharma
  • Name : Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma
  • Designation : Assistant Professor
  • Qualification : Ph.D.
  • Phone No. : 9350933390
  • E-Mail ID : amit110786(at)gmail(dot)com
  • Date of Birth : 11-07-1986
  • Date of Joining : 02-03-2020
  • Algebraic Coding Theory
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Mechanics
  • Number Theory and Cryptography
  • Abstract Algebra
  • Algebraic Coding Theory
  • Analytic Number Theory
  • Graph Theory
  • Guidance
  1. MPhil Guidance:
    Sl No  Name of the Scholar Year of award of Degree Topic of MPhil Thesis Summary of the Research Outcome(In 100 Words)
  2. PhD Guidance:
    Sl No  Name of the Scholar Year of award of Degree Registration No Name of the Co-guide if any Fellowship received if any during research Topic of PhD Thesis Summary of the Research Outcome(In 100 Words)
  1. International Publications:
    1. A. Sharma and A.K. Sharma Construction of self-dual codes over Z2m Vol-8, issue-1, ISSN-1936-2455, 2015-16
    2. A. Sharma and A.K. Sharma Byte weight enumerators and modular forms of genus r Vol-14, issue-6, ISSN-1793-6829, 2014-15
    3. A. Sharma and A.K. Sharma A note on weight distributions of irreducible cyclic codes Vol-6, issue-3, ISSN-1793-8317, 2013-14
    4. A.K. Sharma and A. Sharma MacWilliams identities for weight enumerators with respect to the RT metric Vol-6, issue-2, ISSN-1793-8317, 2013-14
    5. A. Sharma and A.K. Sharma MacWilliams identities for m-spotty weight enumerators of codes over rings Vol-58, issue-1, ISSN-2202-3518, 2013-14
    6. A. Sharma and A.K. Sharma On a g-fold joint m-spotty Lee weight enumerator Vol-313, issue-20, ISSN-0012-365X, 2013-14
    7. A. Sharma and A.K. Sharma On MacWilliams type identities for r-fold joint m-spotty weight enumerators Vol-312, issue-22, ISSN-0012-365X, 2012-13
    8. A. Sharma and A.K. Sharma On some new m-spotty Lee weight enumerators Vol-71, issue-1, ISSN-1573-7586, 2012-13
    9. A. Sharma and A.K. Sharma: MacWilliams type identities for some new m-spotty weight enumerators Vol-58, issue-6, ISSN-1557-9654, 2011-12
  2. National Publications:
  3. Review Articles(State Level Publications):
  4. Conference Publication(Presented/Published in proceedings):

  1. Edited Books :
  2. Text Books :
  3. Book Chapters :
  4. Research Books :
  1. Workshops:
  2. Seminars:
  1. Teaching:
  2. Important Activities:
  3. Research Projects Undertaken:
  4. Invited Lectures:
  5. Administrative/Executive experience:
  6. Conference organized as Organizing Secretary:
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