Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Parhi

Sanjaya Kumar Parhi
  • Name : Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Parhi
  • Designation : Professor & Head
  • Qualification : Ph.D.
  • Phone No. : 7008159228
  • E-Mail ID : sanjayaparhi(at)gmail(dot)com
  • Date of Birth : 17-04-1977
  • Date of Joining : 26-03-2020
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations
  • Advance numerical analysis
  • Guidance
  1. MPhil Guidance:
    Sl No  Name of the Scholar Year of award of Degree Topic of MPhil Thesis Summary of the Research Outcome(In 100 Words)
  2. PhD Guidance:
    Sl No  Name of the Scholar Year of award of Degree Registration No Name of the Co-guide if any Fellowship received if any during research Topic of PhD Thesis Summary of the Research Outcome(In 100 Words)
    1. Debasis Sharma 2021 ` C517001 Local Convergence and Dynamics of Higher Order Iterative Schemes in Banach Spaces
  1. International Publications:
    1. I. K. Argyros, D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi On the local convergence of Weerakoon-Fernando method with ω continuity condition in Banach spaces Vol-77, ISSN-2254-3902, 2019-20
    2. D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi Extending the applicability of a Newton-Simpson-like method Vol-6, issue-4, ISSN-2349-5103, 2020-21
    3. I.K. Argyros,D. Sharma, C.I. Argyros,S.K. Parhi, S.K. Sunanda, Michael I. Argyros Extended ball convergence for a seventh order derivative free class of algorithms for nonlinear equations Vol-56, ISSN-2411-0620, 2020-21
    4. D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi, S.K. Sunanda Convergence of Traub’s iteration under ω continuity condition in Banach spaces Vol-65, ISSN-1066-369X , 2020-21
    5. I.K. Argyros,D. Sharma, C.I. Argyros,S.K. Parhi, S.K. Sunanda Convergence of harmonic mean Newton method under ω continuity condition in Banach spaces Vol-7, ISSN-2349-5103, 2020-21
    6. D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi Local convergence of two Newton-like methods under Hölder continuity condition in Banach spaces Vol-19, issue-4, ISSN-1757-5850, 2020-21
    7. I.K. Argyros,D. Sharma, C.I. Argyros,S.K. Parhi, S.K. Sunanda, Michael I. Argyros Extended high order algorithms for equations under the same set of conditions Vol-14, ISSN-1999-4893, 2020-21
    8. D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi On the local convergence of Weerakoon’s method under Hölder continuity condition in Banach spaces Vol-11, ISSN-2146-1147, 2020-21
    9. D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi On the local convergence of higher-order methods in Banach spaces Vol-22, ISSN-1583-5022, 2020-21
    10. I.K. Argyros,D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi, S.K. Sunanda A study on the local convergence and complex dynamics of Kou’s family of iterative methods Vol-79, ISSN-2254-3902, 2020-21
    11. I.K. Argyros,D. Sharma, C.I. Argyros,S.K. Parhi, S.K. Sunanda: Extended iterative schemes based on decomposition for nonlinear models Vol-68, ISSN-1598-5865, 2020-21
    12. D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi Extending the applicability of modified Weerakoon-Fernando method under ω continuity condition in Banach spaces Vol-63, issue-1, ISSN-0019-5324, 2020-21
    13. D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi On the local convergence of a third-order iterative scheme in Banach spaces Vol-70, issue-2, ISSN-: 0009-725X, 2020-21
    14. I.K. Argyros, D. Sharma, C.I. Argyros,S.K. Parhi, S.K. Sunanda A family of fifth and sixth convergence order methods for nonlinear models Vol-13, ISSN-2073-8994, 2020-21
    15. D. Sharma, I.K. Argyros,S.K. Parhi, S.K. Sunanda Local convergence and dynamical analysis of a third and fourth order class of equation solvers Vol-5, ISSN-2504-3110, 2020-21
    16. D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi, S.K. Sunanda Extending the convergence domain of deformed Halley method under ω condition in Banach spaces Vol-27, ISSN-1405-213X, 2020-21
    17. D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi, S.K. Sunanda An improved local analysis of deformed Halley method in Banach spaces Vol-7, ISSN-2349-6789, 2020-21
    18. I.K. Argyros,D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi, S.K. Sunanda On the convergence, dynamics and applications of a new class of nonlinear system solvers Vol-6, ISSN-2349-5103, 2020-21
    19. D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi On the local convergence of modified Weerakoon’s method in Banach spaces Vol-28, ISSN-2367-2501, 2020-21
    20. D. Sharma, S.K. Parh Complex dynamics of a sixth and seventh order family of root finding methods Vol-77, ISSN-2254-3902, 2020-21
    21. D. Sharma, S.K. Parhi Local convergence and complex dynamics of a uni-parametric family of iterative schemes Vol-6, ISSN-2254-3902, 2020-21
    22. D.K. Gupta; S.K. Parhi Sukhjit Singh Semilocal convergence of Stirling’s method for fixed points in Banach spaces Vol-9, issue-2, ISSN-1757-5869, 2016-17
    23. P K Parida D K Gupta, S K Parhi On semilocal convergence of a multipoint third order method with R-order (2+p) under a mild differentiability condition Vol-31, issue-4, ISSN-1598 - 5857, 2013-14
    24. S K Parhi, D K Gupta Convergence of a third order method for fixed points in Banach spaces Vol-60, issue-3, ISSN-1017-1398, 2011-12
    25. S K Parhi, D K Gupta A Stirling-like method under Holder continuous first derivative in Banach spaces Vol-217, issue-23, ISSN-0096-3003, 2011-12
    26. S K Parhi, D K Gupta Convergence of Stirling’s method under week differentiability condition Vol-34, issue-2, ISSN-0170-4214, 2010-11
    27. S K Parhi D K Gupta Semilocal convergence of Stirling’s method under Holder continuous first derivative in Banach spaces Vol-87, issue-12, ISSN-0020-7160, 2009-10
    28. S K Parhi, D K Gupta Semilocal convergence of a Stirling-like method in Banach spaces Vol-7, issue-2, ISSN- 0219-8762, 2009-10
    29. D K Gupta, S K Parhi An improved class of regula falsi methods of third order for solving nonlinear equations in R Vol-33, issue-1, ISSN-1598-5865, 2010-11
    30. S K Parhi, D K Gupta Relaxing convergence conditions for Stirling’s method Vol-33, issue-2, ISSN-0170-4214, 2009-10
    31. S K Parhi D K gupta A third order method for fixed points in Banach spaces Vol-259, issue-2, ISSN-0022-247X, 2009-10
    32. S K Parhi, D K Gupta A sixth order method for nonlinear equations Vol-203, issue-1, ISSN-1873-5649, 2008-09
  2. National Publications:
  3. Review Articles(State Level Publications):
  4. Conference Publication(Presented/Published in proceedings):

  1. Edited Books :
  2. Text Books :
  3. Book Chapters :
  4. Research Books :
  1. Workshops:
  2. Seminars:
    1. Title: A new twelfth order iterative method for solving nonlinear equations in R, TOPAS, Dec-2017, IIT Kharagpur
    2. Title: Semilocal convergence of a third order method under Holder continuous derivatives in Banach spaces, CAMIST, Jan. 2010, NIT Rourkela
    3. Title:Convergence of an Iterative method for fixed points in Banach spaces. ICAPM 2009
    4. Title: Convergence of Stirling’s method under Holder continuous first derivative in Banach spaces.
  1. Teaching: 1 Year
    1. Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies
    2. Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies
    3. International Institute of Information Technology Bhubaneswar from 22/8/2011 to 25/03/2020
  2. Important Activities:
  3. Research Projects Undertaken:
  4. Invited Lectures:
  5. Administrative/Executive experience:
  6. Conference organized as Organizing Secretary:
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