• Designation : Assistant Professor
  • Qualification : M. A., Ph. D.
  • Phone No. : 9863562183
  • E-Mail ID : geomitraya(at)gmail(dot)com
  • Date of Birth : 16-07-1985
  • Date of Joining : 21-03-2020
  • Bio Geography, Economic Geography, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Hydrology, Social and Cultural Geography, Cartography, Settlement Geography
  • Guidance
  1. MPhil Guidance:
    Sl No  Name of the Scholar Year of award of Degree Topic of MPhil Thesis Summary of the Research Outcome(In 100 Words)
  2. PhD Guidance:
    Sl No  Name of the Scholar Year of award of Degree Registration No Name of the Co-guide if any Fellowship received if any during research Topic of PhD Thesis Summary of the Research Outcome(In 100 Words)
  1. International Publications:
    1. Behera, R. N. et al. From jhum to broom: Agricultural land-use change and food security implications on the Meghalaya Plateau, India. Vol-45, issue-1, ISSN-0044-7447, 2015-16
    2. Behera, R. N. et al. From jhum to broom: Agricultural land-use change and food security implications on the Meghalaya Plateau, India. Vol-45, issue-1, ISSN-0044-7447, 2015-16
  2. National Publications:
    1. Nayak, D.K. and R.N. Behera Changing Household Size in India: An Inter-State Comparison. Vol-36, issue-1, ISSN-09709851, 2013-14
    2. Behera, R. N. et al. Population pressure and upland food security: local food production and availability in Meghalaya. Vol-XXXIV, issue-1, ISSN-0970-5023, 2017-18
    3. Behera, R.N. Cultural Regions of Meghalaya Vol-XXVIII, issue-2, ISSN-0970-5023, 2012-13
  3. Review Articles(State Level Publications):
  4. Conference Publication(Presented/Published in proceedings):

  1. Edited Books :
  2. Text Books :
  3. Book Chapters :
  4. Research Books :
  1. Workshops:
    1. Bergen Summer Research School 2013 on Food as Global Development Challenge, University of Bergen, Norway
  2. Seminars:
    1. National Conference on Water, Sustainability and Climate Change 14 to 16 March, CSRD, JNU, New Delhi
    2. National Seminar on Food Security and Rainfed Agriculture in India: Issues, Challenges and Prospects, M. P. Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain
    3. International Conference on Climate Change & Sustainable Development Gangadhar Meher University in collaboration with Odisha State Open University, Sambalpur
    4. XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference, Busan, South Korea
    5. International Geographical Union(IGU) Commission Seminar on Land Use, Biodiversity and Climate Change Dept. of Geography, Cotton College, Guwahati
1. UGC Dr S Radhakrishnan Post Doctoral Fellowship
2. Young Geographers Award
3. ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship
4. Gold Medal
  1. Teaching: 5 Years
    1. UG and PG Teaching, and guiding PG, M.Phil. and Ph.D. Scholars
  2. Important Activities:
  3. Research Projects Undertaken:
  4. Invited Lectures:
  5. Administrative/Executive experience:
  6. Conference organized as Organizing Secretary:
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