Sl No | Name of the Scholar | Year of award of Degree | Topic of MPhil Thesis | Summary of the Research Outcome(In 100 Words) |
Sl No | Name of the Scholar | Year of award of Degree | Registration No | Name of the Co-guide if any | Fellowship received if any during research | Topic of PhD Thesis | Summary of the Research Outcome(In 100 Words) |
1. | Grace B. Mundu et. al High burden of prediabetes and diabetes in three large cities in South Asia: The Center for Cardio-metabolic Risk Reduction in South Asia (CARRS) Study Vol-110, issue-2, ISSN-01688227, 2015-16 |
1. | Sibsankar Mal and Grace Balalen Mundu Hidden Truth about Ethnic Lifestyle of Indian Hijras Vol-09, issue-03, ISSN-621-628, 2018-19 |
2. | Grace Bahalen Mundu and Sayeed Unisa Patterns of Marriage Dissolution in India: Regional, Socioeconomic, and Religious Trends Vol-53, issue-16, ISSN-2349-8846, 2017-18 |
1. | Characteristics of Slum Population in India Special reference to Mumbai |
1. | Teaching and Research |